• #227
I think I can speak for all mankind when I say that I can't speak for all mankind.
• #228
- Fred
- Hugh Hefner
- Heather Mills
- Lady Gaga (not sexist)
- Boutros boutros Ghali
- Billy Ray Cyrus
- Josef Fritzl
- Usain Bolt
- Fred
• #229
My hypocricy is capable of speaking for itself thank you scott...
• #230
Just accept that we're all as bad as each other. :)
Except for Balki, who really should be commended for his efforts to be so much worse. Like a little kitten trying to catch a butterfly.
• #231
This place is turning into a cult. Velocio sounds more and more like Charles Manson with each new post he makes. [insert emoticon of your preference]
• #232
I'm more about Rolling Stones than The Beatles.
• #233
Just accept that we're all as bad as each other. :)
I do, Scott.
I'm not trying to act like I'm an angel myself - I have fcuk all to say about cycling, so I compensate with chitchat. I like a good joke, even a rude joke, but I know when it's too much. I don't accept serious racist/homophobic/xenophobic comments (I assume that we all can feel if someone's joking or not) without even a tint of sarcasm or irony. I agree that we all can have different sensitivity, some people are also more serious than others and that was the reason I apologised to you - I realised that you don't appreciate shallow silliness and I wanted to respect that.
I think that the main problem with the internet forums is that it's not the same as direct contact where we can see others expressions and pick up the tone of their voice. -
• #234
^^I was thinking more Bay City Rollers.
• #235
This place is turning into a cult. Velocio sounds more and more like Charles Manson with each new post he makes. [insert emoticon of your preference]
My all-time favourite nut job...
Check out this epic answer from Velocio in his recent interview:
• #236
This place is turning into a cult. Velocio sounds more and more like Charles Manson with each new post he makes.
As Barry Grant said at the time: "What is it with you Mancs? One League title and you think you're Jesus Christ."
• #237
Except for Balki, who really should be commended for his efforts to be so much worse.
I roll the nickles man...
• #238
I gave all my material stuff to Velocio on signing up, but I can't help feeling I've been exploited. I've been chanting "you can't always get what you want" every day, like he prescribed, and yet the deep sensation of frustration has heightened if anything.
I'm still looking forward to discovering who he wants me to kill though.
• #239
I rule the nickles man...
fixed ;)
• #240
But this is the internet... what hope do we have? It's also a reflection on mankind who I'd put the same question to.
I'm always fazed by this point. 'It's the internet' . . . there is NO excuse for hiding behind keyboards and avatars. There have been some really vicious attacks on here, and completely uncalled for, so it that Ok coz 'it's online'? NO.
Some people seem to have 2 different personas, their (nasty) online one, and their 'real world' one.
Personally, I am no different on here than I am in person. I dont change my attitude or think it's ok to berate someone on their looks, choices, skin colour, religious beliefs, just coz they are not standing in front of me.
This forum, more than any other I am aware of thrives on it's social side, so the things you say 'online' transfer into peoples lives, and have consequence.
'Be excellent to each other' is a great idea, stop being a fucking dick online is an even better one!
• #241
VB - can I point out something that is quite trivial but at the same time, important. I think people might literally be seeing the forum in different ways. E.g, I dunno about you guys, but my homepage is not londonfgss.com, but http://www.londonfgss.com/search.php?do=getdaily, which is basically the 'POSTS' button on the top left, so I don't notice what sub-forum/group a particular thread has been posted in, because all recent threads with new posts in them come up indiscriminantly. I have a feeling most people, especially newer members, are going straight londonfgss.com, which is what we brand ourselves as to the public, then clicking 'General' or "Mics + Mean".
Maybe some people are seeing a thread in Misc and Mean and then assuming it's fair game to say whatever they want in it, derail it, post pictures of cakes and motivational posters - whatever, which is kind of fair enough in a way because that's how it is in most other forums out there - there is a specific place to post drivel if so desired, and it doesn't (or shouldn't) permeate the other parts of the forum.
I just noticed this thread is posted in "Forum Help and Testing Area". I didn't even know this subgroup existed, as i've always clicked on "POSTS". It has only 16 people viewing, compared to 125 for Bikes and Bits, and 79 for General. So, most people logging in to 'londonfgss.com' will just not see this thread. Don't we need a system where we all physically see the forum the same way, like the old vanilla-style forum? Maybe make the "POSTS" button more prominent or something, I dunno. I think it's harder to come to a consensus on things if we are seeing it in different ways.
• #242
Some people seem to have 2 different personas, their (nasty) online one, and their 'real world' one.
I think those people's 'real world' persona is probably nasty too (whoever you happen to be referring to).
The chances are they're more sophisticated in their offline modes of communication (perhaps subconsciously so), so the bigotry that rules their mental set is less obvious to all but the most experienced/perceptive observers.
• #243
I think you're right. Nasty through and throught. Unfortunately there will always be 'bad apples'
I just can't wait until the 'View Tag Authors' function is rolled out. Then lots of peple will be seen in the light they deserve. -
• #244
I think those people's 'real world' persona is probably nasty too (whoever you happen to be referring to).
The chances are they're more sophisticated in their offline modes of communication (perhaps subconsciously so), so the bigotry that rules their mental set is less obvious to all but the most experienced/perceptive observers.
no you're a cunt.
• #245
I got a bit out of hand, I'm sorry.
I get really upselt when people think it's up to the minority to make society better for them, it's up to everyone. I don't mean this should become a totally pc forum, I just mean that respecting each other should be a priority for everyone.
• #246
no you're a cunt.
Now you're talking my language :)
• #247
I got a bit out of hand, I'm sorry.
I get really upselt when people think it's up to the minority to make society better for them, it's up to everyone. I don't mean this should become a totally pc forum, I just mean that respecting each other should be a priority for everyone.
+1 Well said!
• #248
I think those people's 'real world' persona is probably nasty too (whoever you happen to be referring to).
The chances are they're more sophisticated in their offline modes of communication (perhaps subconsciously so), so the bigotry that rules their mental set is less obvious to all but the most experienced/perceptive observers.
Interesting, so how do you judge people? pretty much everyone have prejudices or grudges which we withold in the real world......I don't know who to like anymore....
• #249
Interesting, so how do you judge people? pretty much everyone have prejudices or grudges which we withold in the real world......I don't know who to like anymore....
I just assume everyone's a cunt who will try to fuck me up. But I'm damaged goods.
• #250
...so, have we reached the point of the thread where we start posting motivational posters yet?
Show us your tits!