• #102
This bloody forum... its wrecking my waistline. Im going for pecan danish.
• #103
^I had that last night.
• #104
Balki - that is a tarte au fraises I'm with Tiswas on this.
Not sure what they told you it was. But I'm sure they told you lots of things. Things you'd rather forget.
• #105
For gods sake, someone start talking about the disproportionate use of force in the video.
• #106
Ah yes, the video... all a bit of a bun fight in my opinion.
• #107
The thief should've fled the scene pastrily.
• #108
And it begins...
• #109
• #110
• #111
he took a bit of a dusting.
• #112
Bloody thieves, taking our bikes just to turn a profit. A role in society we could do without...
• #113
• #114
they should have just meringue the po po....
[URL="http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.smh.com.au/ffximage/2007/05/08/lemon_meringue_wideweb__470x311,0.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.smh.com.au/news/good-living/lemon-meringue-pie/2007/05/07/1178390209492.html&usg=__GWmtz9heN9-_dV-GmyoUMFwgaHU=&h=311&w=470&sz=16&hl=en&start=14&tbnid=iqhZ7G9SAJC9hM:&tbnh=85&tbnw=129&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmeringue%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DX"][/URL]They were probably already en croute.
• #115
Bloody thieves, taking our bikes just to turn a profit. A role in society we could do without...
Not even eclair-voyent could have predicted that one!
• #116
That made me shed a tear. I miss you when you don't post.
ooh thats good
• #117
That''l teach him, doughnut steal bikes bro'
• #118
Pretzel think again next time...
• #119
That made me shed a tear. I miss you when you don't post.
oh that had me purring..
• #120
But how to deal with thieves? Custardial sentences?
• #121
What, just so they can sponge off the state?
• #122
they near batten'd the bike burglar.
• #123
lucky he caught him when he did, better drill and the bike would have scone without a trace
• #124
he looked a trifle confused when confronted
• #125
@ Greasy
Stick the hug....
An ex flatmate of mine always maintained that "real men dont eat quiche". Never understood it myself.
Slightly off topic, but I really love onoin tart with goats cheese.