• #44702
^^ any more of them somewhere?
i got them off a gallery of them on imgur but they're from oglaf.com/ [NSFW]
apparently it's a bit risqué for work.
• #44703
Oglaf.com is way way too NSFW for most work places.
• #44704
in the comments on imgur someone did say they reckoned the 10~ the person posted were probably the only sfw ones on the whole site. i haven't checked it out yet.
• #44705
• #44706
• #44707
• #44708
• #44709
• #44710
• #44711
i got them off a gallery of them on imgur but they're from oglaf.com/ [NSFW]
apparently it's a bit risqué for work.
...helping my afternoon to pass inappropriately.
• #44712
needs sound
• #44713
in the comments on imgur someone did say they reckoned the 10~ the person posted were probably the only sfw ones on the whole site. i haven't checked it out yet.
Oglaf is filthy, but funny. Well worth adding to your rss feed.
• #44715
• #44716
• #44717
• #44718
• #44719
Kronar is my favourite
• #44720
• #44723
I think the gifs on this page almost crashed my work network...
Not so much a meme, as a social commentary on life oop north.
Welcome to Keighley.
• #44724
• #44725
You fail at identifying the desired image url, rather than the 1x1px transparent gif which quickmeme overlay onto everything to catch out the internet illiterate.
^^ any more of them somewhere?