• #5977
But could it be used for polo? Road/Cross forum >>>>>>>>>>>
Tl;dr: Hydraulic, for the road.
But for that, I'd choose SRAM Red 22 hydrobrifters.
• #5978
We already have flat-bar hydraulic levers.
• #5979
And you players concern associated with that right? Also you could have quoted this in your response instead of hydro brifters which would have made more sense.
We already have flat-bar hydraulic levers.
• #5980
Sheeesh Beagle, I mean HY/RD were designed as a hydraulic disc brake compatible with road brifters, but if I wanted hydro discs on the road I'd get a real hydro solution.
I'm pointing out it's a product meeting a very specific set of concerns.
Do you always intentionally misunderstand everything?
• #5982
you've had me looking at maguras on ebay today emyr for my old 14 V1.0 I know its not quite the same thing but still. :)
• #5983
I will have a set of 48h wheels soon.. £50.
I can't sell them till my hubs and spokes arrive though!!!
I'll give you a £ a hole with a %50 discount. (£48) harharhar
• #5984
Anyone got a RH/pair of lacrosse/ice hockey gloves for sale? Or recommend where to pick some up for a reasonable price?
• #5985
ebay has a bunch right now.
• #5986
ebay has a bunch right now.
I don't really understand the different types & sizings. They all have funny names and are measure in inches!
I just want some which make me look cool and make me rad at bike polo.
• #5988
actually get the spiderglove.
• #5989
RE: spidey glove. thats exactly what you need. I am watching these: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/301015190470?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
Your probably a large. Josh bought some in FLA that he was gonna sell me, mayeb he still has them and wants rid? -
• #5990
RE: spidey glove. thats exactly what you need. I am watching these: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/301015190470?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
Your probably a large. Josh bought some in FLA that he was gonna sell me, mayeb he still has them and wants rid?They look fancy!
I will ask Josh.
If he says no I will snipe your sale. [beaglewinky]
• #5991
there are a few of them on there T.
• #5992
red camo 10k's! Get those Tim. They are really comfy and retail at £99 ish
• #5993
Shhhh, they should be todds.
• #5994
They look like one of the baddies from halo was sick on them. Rad!
• #5995
Anyone looking for a sweet 56cm fixeh? Almost full bike for 100 quid: http://www.lfgss.com/thread117409.html
• #5996
Tim i'm out snipe away buddy. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/301015190470?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
• #5997
These shoes look nice, but they aint cheap: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Giro-Chamber-Mens-mtb-down-hill-and-trail-shoe-blackgum-size-43-new-unused-/301020429519
• #5998
dt wears those.
Anyone has some hockey tape for sale? Just wanna see if anyone here has some before ordering from the bay.
• #5999
I've got a pair of those. Pleased with them so far.
• #6000
ben the hockey shop is close to my house if you want il get you one what color? They cost about 4 i think
thanks em.