• #3402
I see the chamois cream is expected to be £15, surely some mistake? Thats hardly going to get people frothing at the mouth with outrage is it!
• #3403
holy shit - Rapha jeans... http://www.roadcyclinguk.com/gear-news/rapha-collection-autumn-winter-2010/5406.html
They just look awful
No sprint cut though...
• #3404
Not sure whether this has been posted elsewhere... did a quick search.
Not actually watched this yet but 'A throw of the Dice' is on the Rapha website to watch for the next 24 hours only. It is billed as an 'ode to Johan Museeuw,' thought some people might find it interesting.
• #3405
"...soap feature a fragrance inspired by the herbs and plants growing on the slopes of Mont Ventoux..."
Fuckin' hell, hilarious.
• #3406
so do you have to wear those jeans inside out to let people know you are wearing rapha
the writings on the inside fail ? -
• #3407
I like how with a rolled-up leg it says "ha". My thoughts exactly, Rapha
• #3408
i dont need to let people know i wear rapha
you fuckers here announce it to the world for me (possibly not true or aided by me too)
• #3409
was that a rapha silk scarf thing you were sporting last night DJ? Very fetching
• #3410
no, it was the cylcodelic one, they are really lovely
it looked like our favourite kuntish town brand had been rap(h)ing your wallet too last night
• #3411
Ah Amy's stuff - nice :)
Um. A few of my friends work for Rapha - I did some work for them doing the trade stall at the Etape in France when temporarily unemployed — got paid in lots of clothes.. now I look a lot wealthier than I am. But I don't care, its all fucking amazing stuff.
• #3412
Similar for me
Though doubt anyone would want me to claim them as a friend!
• #3413
• #3414
the best thing they make are the merino socks - so good
• #3415
All the money they make and they still can't afford decent servers!
[oh there's a sale on btw]
• #3416
Might be a stupid question but, does anyone else stock rapha apart from rapha? I'm after a long sleeved jersey but they don't do them anymore.
• #3417
I am not aware of any search facility that may help you with your question
• #3418
good one, i have tried and haven't found any and thought on the off chance i'm missing something.
• #3419
When you googled for Rapha long sleeve jersey dd you notice that the page had 09 in the title
Did it occur to you that this might indicate 2009 which why most sizes were out of stock? Or that the winter 2010 stock might be coming soon
Do please utfb
• #3420
thank you, i understand that, but that still doesn't answer my question.
• #3421
They still make them and will release the autumn/ winter line very soon
You can then buy one
Are you so fucking stupid you cannot work that out for yourself
• #3422
Chill the fuck out man!
• #3423
condor sell rapha also.
(or did when i last went in there a few months back)
no idea if they have stock. -
• #3424
It's just amazing that I explain a new one will be released soon and he still repeats his point that they are no longer made
It would like saying that summer is no longer available and where can he find it again
• #3425
Who cares, rapha is for fucking nonces anyway.
Winter embrocation!
I had to google that.