• #102
Share? :)
• #103
new york cheescake as demolished by me at christmass in new york - fucking tasty...........
• #104
This thread is ruinous. I couldn't resist it, so swooped in and bought a store-branded cheesecake.
I know it won't be light, but I shall polish it off anyway. I badly needed to murder a cheesecake.nice work Ashe, you going to polish off the whole thing yourself?!
was that the peanut butter one you mentioned?
• #105
all this cheesecake talk is making me want to go to sains and get the ingredients for that german cheesecake.hmmmmm
probably tomorrow
• #106
no recipes!!! :(
• #107
what you talkin about willis?
hovis posted this a couple of days ago!
http://www.dianasdesserts.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/recipes.recipeListing/filter/dianas/recipeID/2244/Recipe.cfm -
• #108
^ yes I know, I was hoping some would post mums or grandma's traditional family recipes
• #109
ah....erm we tend to just buy ours already made although im going to have a summer of baking.
guinness cake and cheesecake at the ready -
• #110
My 13 year old sister makes a mean lemon cheesecake.. Her recipe is unlikely to be out of the ordinary though unfortunately.
• #111
already made? they are normally bland and boring.... nothing like a homemade cheesecake...
this thread is for recipes!!
• #112
please :)
• #114
^ your best yet
• #115
Oh, CHEESECAKE recipes.. right.. I get it now..
• #116
That one above I said was caramel wasn't, it was a Tia Maria cheesecake recipe from here..
http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/3419/tia-maria-cheesecake -
• #117
looks really good, thanks for sharing...Tia Maria? same as Kahlua?
• #118
Similar. Tia Maria is more like liquid black coffee, Kaluha is creamier a bit more like Baileys.
• #119
I want cheesecake so dense it'll flake off if I try to dig a finger into it. YUM! Wrote an Ode to Cheesecake in college.
Passionfruit sounds wonderful, chocolate, caramel, blueberry, strawberry, I don't care!! But sorry, I don't have any recipes. Haven't read the whole thread but I'll go back later and look cos I totally want to make one!
• #120
this thread is making me so hungry.
• #121
@ jayloo, one of the best I ever tasted was Passionfruit/Malibu Rum/Pink Marshmello .... yummmmmmmmm!
late nite dessert anyone?
• #122
Wheres the beer to wash this stuff down with?? I yeah, I drank it all already. :(
Sorry Bella, the confection I scoffed was not the sex-inducing peanutbutter cheesecake, but a deeply dismal and morbid imposter. I hated myself for it, but still had another slice. ;)
All in the name of science.
• #123
^ how could you! making a mockery of the sacred "homemade" cheesecake ...shakes head
(just jealous coz I have none :)
• #124
Not strictly a cheesecake as such. More the daddy of the cheesecake but this is so good it has to be on this thread. The Yorkshire curd tart:
Unfortunately my mum won't let me post my gran's recipe! But she reckons this is pretty close:
Serve with a cup of tea - food of t'gods!
• #125
^ yorkshire tart!??? get off my thread :) like there is any comparison!
cheesecake FTW!
This thread is ruinous. I couldn't resist it, so swooped in and bought a store-branded cheesecake.
I know it won't be light, but I shall polish it off anyway. I badly needed to murder a cheesecake.