• #8552
But without pictures of babies, comments about workplace, hipstagrams of lunches and drunken after party status updates what would be left? Only photos of genitalia.
• #8553
Friend request coming your way.
• #8555
You're obviously not a seasoned father. Of course it's poo! Fetch the wet wipes.
• #8556
Not her's.
• #8557
But without pictures of babies, comments about workplace, hipstagrams of lunches and drunken after party status updates what would be left? Only photos of genitalia.
• #8558
You're obviously not a seasoned father. Of course it's poo! Fetch the wet wipes.
Ha! You are obviously the parent who is out of practice... I have wet wipes in my pocket.
• #8559
I used them up to degrease the chain.
• #8560
today's Google doodle
• #8561
I was looking for an inspiration and this is total win (for some):
• #8563
some of the images on that link nsfw!
• #8564
Direct link for those who don't want to click on a site that shows nsfw images as banner adverts:
• #8565
^^ what he said.
• #8566
Interestingly, the second time I visited I got these:
• #8567
^^^Just as I suspected. Lance too must have been milking EPO cows all along. It's all nature's fault. Nothing to do with him at all.
• #8568
Interestingly, the second time I visited I got these:
• #8569
Go Pro camera falls 12500 feet and survives. Epic footage but not for those prone to vertigo.
• #8570
Go Pro camera falls 12500 feet and survives. Epic footage but not for those prone to a fear of heights.
• #8571
Epic footage but not for those with a fear of hitting the ground after falling 12500 feet.
Fixed. -
• #8572
Surely epilepsy?
• #8573
Surely not those who can't be bothered to waste their time on a footage which doesn't show anything really?
• #8574
fxd -
• #8575
damn it jimmy i knew what was coming but you still got me
it can. It's customisable.