• #2527
at least juvenile internet users are engaging in some kind of creative outlet..
• #2528
at least juvenile internet users are spending too much time online...
• #2529
there's no such thing as too much time online ;)
• #2530
Did he sing "More Than This"?
• #2532
heh, was about to post that
• #2533
warms my heart this story
• #2534
"I feel like Susan Boyle. Or Justin Bieber," he told the Columbus Dispatch newspaper
• #2535
if only in some magical world they could be made homeless drug addict in reverse..
• #2536
if only in some magical world they could be made homeless drug addict in reverse..
You must spread some rep....
• #2537
"I feel like Susan Boyle. Or Justin Bieber,"
Maybe he means, you know, sexually.
After all, he's lived behind a petrol station for ten years or something.
He's probably gasping for a fuck, and after being trampy for a bit, your choices probably get a bit strange.After a few weeks he might settle down and feel like knobbing Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt in a golden Tonsilled three-way.
Here's hoping.
• #2538
.............After a few weeks he might settle down and feel like knobbing Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt in a golden Tonsilled three-way............
What an image this had conjured in my mind
• #2539
• #2540
the mail is like the troll newspaper
• #2541
the mail is like the troll newspaper
Troll face is too cool for those pieces of shit.... DM is just too bad to be true.
• #2543
Yeah... that's so like...tuesday.
• #2544
Errr ? 2 days ago!
errrrr. its a follow up.
x -
• #2545
I just noticed that. Thought it was the same thing at first as I saw them both at the same time
• #2546
the mail is like the troll newspaper
That makes no sense. Tenuous
• #2547
I meant that the daily mail is like a troll. They say inflammatory things to wind people up.
• #2548
While being a Troll involves being a dickhead, it involves humour, at least to some degree.
A lot of what's attributed to trolling is actually just someone being an attention seeker and/or dickhead, in that respect the daily mail is an apt example
I don't like the word Troll, it's shite. Troll's as they're called are age old, it's not purely an internet phenomenon. Trolling therefore doesn't need some new fangled singlesyllabled name.
• #2549
trolling doesn't necessarily involve humour. it's just saying inflammatory things to get a reaction.
• #2550
Also, it's obvious that Trolls are mythical creatures from before the internet, it's just a word used to describe twats.
Forever Alone is excellent
At first I typed Forever Alojone. WTF