• #552
• #553
The psychological ups and downs of this are really wearing. Yesterday the dressing leaked. A foul smelling pool of fluid sat on my office chair. I went off to hospital and found that they had rearranged my booking for no apparent reason. Managed to get it sorted but more bother and nuisance. The skin around the wound is sore after two months of sticky dressings and oozing secretions. This morning the dressing had started to come off. Stuck it back on with tape that will continue to irritate my flesh until this evening when the dressing is changed once more, provided I phone soon to ensure that my appointment has not been messed around any more. Can't get the dressing wet and so can't shower and so I wash my hair and then sponge wash the rest of me and dream about a proper shower. I craned my neck yesterday and saw the wound. Wide and deep but getting redder. Although this means it is sorer it means that it is healing but there is so much healing to do. My despondency lies in the realisation that I am many weeks away from my bike and starting to look fat(ter) around my face and worrying that I might never fit back into my clothes once I dispense with trackie bottoms. The whole thing dominates my life and my thoughts and distracts me from my work.
Tomorrow, I will probably feel optimistic and upbeat, such are the vagaries of my mood swings.
• #554
Head up fella, you'll be back on the bike and grimacing with a different discomfort before you know it.
Here is a little Jan Ullrich on the subject of pounds....
""I have seen many lean riders in the peloton, but very few winners"
• #555
As long as it heals from the inside, Clive, so that it can close properly in the end and not suffer another internal complication, I'm sure you'll be fine. The external skin irritation will probably go last, but even with very sore skin it'll be better than it was before. Remember, there are a lot of uninjured forumengers, but very few cliveos. Continued best wishes and good luck!
• #556
Clive, for what it's worth I think that being able to objectively comment on your mood swings, even whilst experiencing a low point, is extremely encouraging. It would be all too easy to let this get you so far down that you are unable to see any positives or discuss the situation in a critical manner.
I hope that continuing to tell a world full of strangers about your arse is cathartic.
Soon, all of this will probably be distant enough to be both hilarious and a source of wisdom. And if it's isn't, you can pimp your butt out in a circus freak show.
• #557
mashton. I would never have thought that you would split an infinitive. Oh well, I live and learn.
Thank you for your kind words.
• #558
Agggggggggh: "to comment objectively."
Sorry, I must try harder.
I had an argument with my aunty this weekend about the proper use of who and whom. The argument went like this:
She corrected my brother's girlfriend on her use of "can" and "may".
I mentioned that I had recently come across a succinct way of describing the rules governing "who" vs "whom" and asked her if she could give an explanation that was widely comprehensible.
She could not and then began to explain that she thought that grammar was redundant and that effectiveness of communication is of paramount importance.
I pointed out that she was quite a capricious grammar nazi.
She got upset.
• #559
You should have texted her your response in TXT TLK. Would have closed the deal every time
Have you changed your Diet Clive, given your exercise levels have dropped? its a kind of training i guess, and would make you feel like you are still grasping onto your fitness regime
Keep at it Clive, maybe look up some stretches or core strength exercise you could do that wouldn't damage it?
• #560
Diet Clive?
is that like Coke Zero? -
• #561
I like the capital 'D' on diet. Only the slag.
• #562
SHIT!!! Clive this is the first time I have read this thread, and DAMN BOY! Keep at it and dont let it get to you to much, there will be light at the end of the tunnel and a beer waiting for you with your bike.
It'll be good to see you at the track one weekend, with or without your bike.
• #563
So everything is starting to look good. The nurses are positively excited about the speed of healing. What were mucky deep edges of flesh are now forming skin and the rate of gunking is declining pleasantly and daily. The only odd thing is the chunk of bioglue which sticks out of the wound like a sore tongue. With all this good stuff going on there has to be something amiss.
And there was. After the agony of last week particularly and the preceding weeks in general, painkillers presented a way of getting through the day and most particularly the night. Where possible I avoided them during the day but dosed up to allow for a decent sleep. As the pain subsided I determined to cut out even the night time dose. Suffice to say, a couple of months of codeine is sufficient to make withdrawal unpleasant. Sleeplessness, moodiness and fuzziness, difficulty in concentrating, swiftness to anger. Luckily, that is now behind me and I can dream of the last few weeks of the healing process.
I hope to reduce my hospital visits to alternate days from next week. I'm seeing the surgeon on Tuesday. I also hope to have the mystery of the jutting glue explained and an idea of how it is meant to biodegrade when it is sticking out of me. Finally and most fervently, I hope to have an idea of when the whole ordeal will be over. Easter would be nice but may be too much to hope for.
Thanks yet again for all your kind thoughts.
• #564
Excellent news Mr O.
• #565
Great news Clive
I have 2 chihuahua's who are feeling your hurt having just had anal gland surgery to cure constantly leaking and impacted glands. They have glued incisions on both cheeks. Hopefully they will heal quicker than you. Out of interest do you have to wear a lampshade to stop you licking?
Time to polish the Sidis and start planning....
• #566
Awesome Clive!
• #567
Finally some light at the end of the tunnel! Great news Clive. Keep up the good healing work.
• #568
(that should be in all caps)
this is brilliant. there's bioglue protruding outside of the wound? it'll degrade.
• #569
Out of interest do you have to wear a lampshade to stop you licking?
• #570
most excellent clive :)
• #571
Clives arse FTW!
• #572
Woo hoo, what great news - Maybe you can make an ornament out of the bioglue and carry out around like Peeps' stone.
• #573
'Glue jutting out of me'--classic.
Good news, Clive, really glad to hear!
• #574
Wheres the pics, Clive?
• #575
i think you should aim to really turn this around, get on that stair master and by november i want you in prime spot for FHMs rear of the year
I have a couple of litres of fluid in the fridge saved for just such an occasion.