• #27
"OH MY GOD I'M GOING TO CRASH!" usually gains attention.
• #29
I have a whistle fastened to the strap of my bag.
and every time i witness a sea of aimless peds i think of you & realise that is an absolutely genius idea!
• #30
• #31
ring ring
ring ring motherfuckers
Out of my way
Use your eyes
Watch outYesterday I shouting "watch out watch out watch out" to a pedestrian couple wandering out in front of me. I was stopping just a bit further on and so pointed at them and my eyes. He came up and said that me shouting had been more effective than any car horn, I had to point out that it could not have been that effective as they still carried on walking as if nothing had happened.
• #32
@Superprecise, ok yes I get you now. I thought you meant more Terry-Thomas or Avon Lady.
• #33
• #34
I followed a certain courier lady through a green light with a sea of peds crossing willy nilly once who said 'arghhhh, I can't stoppppppp, no braaaaaaakes'. Got them out of the way.
• #35
.... I thought you meant more Terry-Thomas or Avon Lady.
beaten to it, "ding (long pause) dong"
the pause might be hurried if you are about to crash..
• #36
i shout BRAAAAP BRAAAAAP loudly
• #37
i usually whistle very loudly. although my whistle can be mistaken for a cat-call and i've probably inadvertently hit on quite a few pedestrians.
• #38
With a casual 'Arsehole' left behind as I go past.
• #39
'coming through.....ready or not'
• #40
I usually just shout 'BIKE!'
But from now on I will shout:
With a casual [quote=edscoble;565212]Hammertime.
left behind as I go past. [/QUOTE]Genius.
• #41
catching eye contact and finger wagging?
I've tried "It's Green" a couple of times in a loud growl... people look and see that I'm not slowing down... seems to work. I like Achtung though
• #42
i can find myself making a noise like arnie at the end of total recall, with the bulging eyes ... nyaaarggleaaaarrrghhh! etc.
• #43
i can find myself making a noise like arnie at the end of total recall, with the bulging eyes ... nyaaarggleaaaarrrghhh! etc.
Wouldn't TWO WEEKS just confuse?
• #44
A Chewbecca's bellow will do.
• #45
I like to go for "BRACE. BRACE. BRACE", based on the subliminal training of years of airplane safety briefings.
• #46
very good mashton! :)
• #47
and let an f-bomb linger on your way past.
• #48
I also like "Staaaay on target." done in an exact facsimile of the X-Wing leader doing an attack run on the death star.
• #49
I also like "Staaaay on target." done in an exact facsimile of the X-Wing leader doing an attack run on the death star.
"I have you now"
• #50
"Our first catch of the day."
or, in a similar vein:
"Yeeeee haaaaaa, Jester's dead!"
'BANZAI', adjust sunspecs. and accelerate full power