• #327
but thats on skis
• #328
four broken ribs and a fractured scapula
• #329
I made the Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs this morning
haha! props
• #330
Not relevant to the serious bit of the thread but I've done 47mph on a tandem. Downhill, of course. Very dangerous and scary. Hell of a blast though.
• #331
Not relevant to the serious bit of the thread but I've done 47mph on a tandem. Downhill, of course. Very dangerous and scary. Hell of a blast though.
Wow that's fast, is that because the person on the back can draft the guy in front? =P
• #332
Part way down Muswell Hill (the road, not the place) there is one of those things that tell you what your speed is, unfortunately it's quite far up, not at the bottom:
http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=muswell+hill&sll=53.800651,-4.064941&sspn=15.194454,46.582031&ie=UTF8&ll=51.590416,-0.139861&spn=0.003893,0.011373&z=17&layer=c&cbll=51.590466,-0.140002&panoid=YX4OIUTrnSMvXRjycGaOkA&cbp=12,98.99999999999994,,0,0.8396226415094344I've never ridden down that hill, but would like a go.
I am concerned that all these maximum speeds are affected by your gears/build/frame/set up etc. etc. We need a fixed standard to truly sort the men from the boys - world unipack speed record anyone? The chain flying off at over 30mph could be fun...
• #333
I've clocked 30mph - mate was following me with a speedo on his bike. I suspect I've gone a bit faster than this at times, but I don't have a speedo, so can't verify it. Running 42:18 on 700x23. Aided by pannier weight :-)
Downhill, obv.
• #334
I made the Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs this morning
1 Parsec = 3,085,680,250,000,000 meters, it is a measurment of distance, not time.
T..d.. p..
• #335
1 Parsec = 3,085,680,250,000,000 meters, it is a measurment of distance, not time.
T..d.. p..
1st: Loser
2nd: I think to refers to use of wormhole navigation to reduce the actual distance traversed whilst doing the run. It is a testament to the Millenium Falcon's manipulation of general relativity to warp space time to make the run shorter. At least, that's how I have always reconciled the glaring mistake with my love for the film.
3rd: I'm a bigger loser.
• #336
how much is a cheap speedo gonna set you back for?
• #337
1 Parsec = 3,085,680,250,000,000 meters, it is a measurment of distance, not time.
T..d.. p..
So...he took the scenic route?
• #338
On a 72 gear inches I was pushing fairly hard and just got 31mph on the flat, legs nearly fell off
On my ratio with 78.6 I have gotten the mid to late 30's on the flat
• #339
Ok I'm now fairly sure there are some fishing stories on here.....
I got comfortably dropped by my geared mate on a downhill yesterday and he only clocked 33.6.
I reckon I max out @ 27/28 on 46:16. :(
• #340
1st: Loser
2nd: I think to refers to use of wormhole navigation to reduce the actual distance traversed whilst doing the run. It is a testament to the Millenium Falcon's manipulation of general relativity to warp space time to make the run shorter. At least, that's how I have always reconciled the glaring mistake with my love for the film.
3rd: I'm a bigger loser.
- You have no idea. I actually have a 261 page doc containing Pi to 1 million places (I will send you it if you are as big a loser as me.)
- Sorry to break this to you but : Star Wars was not real. It was all a bit of a fib.
- Fair enough.
t..d.. p.p
- You have no idea. I actually have a 261 page doc containing Pi to 1 million places (I will send you it if you are as big a loser as me.)
• #341
1 Parsec = 3,085,680,250,000,000 meters, it is a measurment of distance, not time.
T..d.. p..
• #342
But corret nontheless (said past the hood of my anorak in an adanoidal voice).
to..... p..
• #343
how much is a cheap speedo gonna set you back for?
Speedo? On a fixed gear? Surely that's called a wristwatch.
• #344
how much is a cheap speedo gonna set you back for?
29.8 - I just can't break the 30 barrier.
Plan is to ditch the speedo when I finally do.
Perhaps next time I try I'll make sure I don't have a mobile and wallet in my pocket. In fact I think I'll even ditch the shorts. If that don't work then it's either waxing time or swap the rear cog.You can have mine for free if / when I finally break the 30 barrier. Only 0.2 more needed - how hard can that be?
• #345
Well timed fart should do it.
• #346
Only 0.2 more needed - how hard can that be?
Put more air in your tyres, make em bigger.
• #347
Got in from work sensibly early today so decided to go for it. Had a steady ride for a couple of miles before hitting a likely candidate road for first attempt. Probably not best choice as it wasn't most smooth but gave it my best shot. Shit! exactly 29.8 AGAIN. Carried on to Greenwich Park via Vanbrugh Hill - see S London Hill thread - stopped for a brew and then headed home. Wind was a bit in my face but around Eltham / Blackfen borders came to one of my favourite stretches of road. Slight downhill incline and nice fresh road surface but still wind in my face.
This time though I went for it good and propper. Hit the bouncy speed so knew I was getting there. Powered through that and hit a real sweet rhythm. Mission accomplished.
@slaytanic 1 - pm me your address - I have no further use for this -
• #348
I set off one of those happy face/sad face speed trap things on my 42/16 Charge Plug on a big hill this morning with a high score of 32mph. Was well chuffed with that as I am pretty new to fixed riding and have only just figured the only way to go down hills is a fast as possible!!! Keep pushing and spinning and prey that shitting car doesn't pull out.
• #349
I set off one of those happy face/sad face speed trap things on my 42/16 Charge Plug on a big hill this morning with a high score of 32mph. Was well chuffed with that as I am pretty new to fixed riding and have only just figured the only way to go down hills is a fast as possible!!! Keep pushing and spinning and prey that shitting car doesn't pull out.
Has anyone else noticed some of those sensors that tell you to slow down are super-sensitive? Ive had one tell me to slow down when I was in a 30 zone, I was doing 20. Even checked behind me thinking there was no way it could be me who had set it off but the road was blissfully empty!
• #350
Got in from work sensibly early today so decided to go for it. Had a steady ride for a couple of miles before hitting a likely candidate road for first attempt. Probably not best choice as it wasn't most smooth but gave it my best shot. Shit! exactly 29.8 AGAIN. Carried on to Greenwich Park via Vanbrugh Hill - see S London Hill thread - stopped for a brew and then headed home. Wind was a bit in my face but around Eltham / Blackfen borders came to one of my favourite stretches of road. Slight downhill incline and nice fresh road surface but still wind in my face.
This time though I went for it good and propper. Hit the bouncy speed so knew I was getting there. Powered through that and hit a real sweet rhythm. Mission accomplished.
@slaytanic 1 - pm me your address - I have no further use for thiswhat GI are u running ?
34.5mph on 48:18. Can only sustain it for a short time and god knows what would happen if I needed to stop quickly.