• #3727
It happens in 'cross so by definition that means it isn't common.
Ha ha, aspects of cycle sport snobbery in the fucking time trialling thread!
• #3728
It's not cycle sport snobbery at all and I was comparing 'cross vs. road cycling.
• #3729
But since you've dragged TTing into it.. how does 'cross compare with that?
• #3730
In terms of effort? Or popularity?
• #3731
Pulling power?
• #3732
Chicks dig aerobars, not mud. Fact.
• #3733
I couldn't find an equivalent with aerobars.
• #3735
X Act Lee. Walk outside and ask women if they want a handful of mud or aerobars. Surveysays.
• #3736
Anyway, that bike change in that road race was shit hot.
• #3737
"Anyway, that bike change in that road race was shit hot."
• #3738
But since you've dragged TTing into it.. how does 'cross compare with that?
They're both shit?
• #3739
From the person too feeble to ride either.
Just for you.. as I know you like smileys so much..
http://dailyessence.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/smileys_by_musty14-d3hfwjw1.jpg -
• #3740
CX is for self-harmers and I'm reformed.
TTs are for masochists and I have no excuse. -
• #3741
Unless it's a cross race on a common.
As I understand it, cross is often on the common. -
• #3742
Getting more comfortable and a better pedal-timing (round strokes instead of bumping in the saddle at high rpm).
• #3743
Wheelers sporting 14 is cancelled tomorrow - just in case you haven't checked your email.
• #3744
Help! Just in the process of entering this: http://cyclingtimetrials.org.uk/Default.aspx?&ge514__geka=8sW2Q7VKZmF8CUWP7ygm7riwpLFKNCEAIlX03Hp4_FhPDrktfqfkoQzxx15QQk__xHPLqh7iw6GhFuQIYBC-kw&ge514__gevi=XCpJGZoOsdoc9IDgR3GP4g&gv850__gvac=2&gv850__gvff0=58210&gv850__gvfl0=0&tabid=361
(cutting it a bit fine, I know)..Do I make the cheque payable to the organiser, or to Manchester & District TTA??
• #3745
Email the organiser. I usually write the organiser and the organisation on the cheques.
• #3746
I've been making them payable to the promoting organisation for the last 30 years, never had a problem.
• #3747
Thanks guys :)
• #3748
Email the organiser. I usually write the organiser and the organisation on the cheques.
I usually sit down in the car and use the glove compartment lid.
• #3749
Anyone else spring TT'in?
• #3750
Yup, seasons first last week
Unless it's a cross race on a common.