• #84002
speaking after being re-elected for a third and final time as president, Coe told delegates that track and field was in “a race against time” to stay relevant to young people. “It was Einstein who defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over and getting the same results,” he said.
The dude had time to prepare this speech and still cocked a simple phrase up. Smh
• #84003
Jane Fulton isn't quite as inspirational a name though, is she
• #84004
Einstein didn't say that.
• #84005
Yes, nor did he say that insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
• #84006
Would people consider Einstein and Lincoln and MLK to be less unreachably inspirational if people didn’t routinely misattribute witticisms and wisdoms do them?
• #84007
As Winston Churchill famously said “You can’t believe everything that you read on the internet”
• #84008
You have it the wrong way round. People invent or wrongly attribute sayings to those people because of their status and reputation.
• #84009
However, Einstein has certainly dropped in my estimation for not saying that thing.
• #84010
Reading some of the details in the Lucy Letby verdict is pretty harrowing, consultants repeatedly raised concerns about her..
Fuck me, heads should roll
• #84011
Fuck me, heads should roll
Narrator: They will not.
• #84012
No. Instead, the consultants who raised concerns will have had their cards marked.
• #84013
Why does the Bonnie Prince Charlie face recreation look exactly like the most recently convicted serial killer?
• #84014
And why is her stupid face full screen on top of the guardian page all day? Is that some kind
of achievement she needs to be honoured for like a Nobel Prize winner? Are they going to sell
signed posters in their online shop? -
• #84015
hahaha! Cant unsee.
• #84016
When was the last time a serial killer was convicted on nothing but circumstantial evidence?
Was Shipman caught red-handed or was that similar?
• #84017
Entirely circumstancial. But since they had clear evidence of him tampering with medical records and forging a will, it was also quite strong evidence.
• #84018
This is an astonishing article, I didn't know the details until reading this:
• #84019
Unbelievable. I wonder how long it would have taken them to investigate had she been BAME?
• #84020
I find it odd / hard to understand why the folk who seemed to see what could be happening didn’t call the police themselves or at least escalate it to the regulatory / governing bodies when it looked like the management wouldn’t move fast enough on it.
Everything about the whole thing is horrendous and unreal.
• #84021
could be a similar phenomenon to the bystander effect, i suppose?
• #84022
There is only a fine line between being ordered to apologise and being sacked. Plus the doctors were about to be reported to the GMC.
Going back to the Bristol heart baby scandal (140-170 damaged or dead babies) it has never paid to whistle-blow in the NHS. Trying to remember the stats, but for every 10 whistle-blowers something like 7 never work again
• #84023
The fact that a CEO faced with a potential case of serial killing in his hospital just had a chat with her and decided she was alright is unbelievable. Way to go Columbo.
• #84024
"Yeah I do think I'm a pretty good judge of character to be honest"
• #84025
It seems crazy this won't be punished?
Was missing an 's'