• #65027
I love a gammon melt down.
• #65028
Probably rides an E-bike.
• #65030
‘What a fucken hypocrite that Labour MP is, sending her child to a fee-paying school instead of the state schools my party has worked so hard to cripple with chronic underfunding. How dare she spend a significant portion of her own money to improve her son’s education when she could keep him in her own constituency’s hobbled school system that we haven’t allowed her or anyone to improve for years.’
-MP from guess which party
• #65032
Andrew Neil boasts about GB News ratings
GB News viewing figures plummet
• #65033
At the time of all the furore Labour had been in power for quite a while. From what I remember the issue was more how critical she'd been of other Labour MPs sending their children to private schools.
• #65034
From what I remember the issue was more how critical she'd been of other Labour MPs sending their children to private schools.
Thanks for clarifying. I agree she was a hypocrite to attack others for doing the same thing she was doing. I was mainly trying to point out how silly it is that the many recent years of austerity and defunding, with the decrease in performance that it brings, didn’t exactly prove her wrong about choosing to take her son out of state education. I now get that the main complaint was her plain and simple hipocrisy on the issue.
• #65035
it's more the fact that you only ever hear from these flacid gammony arseholes with their pre-prepared cut n paste cuntery whenever the topic of DA comes up. it's like fucking catnip to them.
• #65036
To prove you're not a racist, tell us what makes Diane Abbot worse than the average MP? Plenty of expense fiddling, infidelity and nepotism across all three main parties.
• #65037
This is always the problem for politicians on the left, because they propound progressive politics they get castigated for any hypocrisy.
Politicians on the right are free to be cunts.
It’s what is expected and accepted. Obviously supported by the RW press.
Ultimately they’re all still politicians- hard to find any that aren’t narcissistic liars. -
• #65038
Banned for being a troll.
It wasn't the post itself that did this, but the fact that the comment is a verbatim copy of a Daily Mail article from more than a year ago that has recently been doing the rounds heavily on Facebook by right-wing trolls. The copying and pasting of a right-wing meme onto here is what I take to be an act of trolling.
• #65039
I agree. But that wasn't my point here really.
If the troll had been just anti-left, regardless of race, I think they would be able to come up with more examples of Labour hypocrisy. Especially regarding private schools, I am sure there are dozens of similar incidents across the back benches.
• #65040
The way DA gets targeted is racism and misogyny, the reason it happens is her politics.
Separating out the racism/misogyny from hatred of lefty politics is probably impossible.
But the racist dog whistle shit gets the twats riled up. -
• #65041
And if we are talking about hypocrisy which is why the troll kicked off about Dianne Abbot, Gove is the worst of the lot, he wanted teachers banned from teaching for one drug offence and then was subsequently found out to be into it himself.
• #65042
Gove is the worst of the lot
It’s hard to pick one, but yes, there’s something totally odious about him.
He reeks. -
• #65043
I think Patel is probably worse than him, but it's highly subjective and not something I'd argue hard to prove. They're both despicable, it's not like that's I'm being complementary to him.
• #65044
Patel for me too. Shithell
• #65045
They're very different though. If Gove was a serial killer, he'd be the type to very slowly and methodically torture you to death with an unchanging half-smile on his lips. Patel would be more of an uncontrolled frenzy killer.
• #65046
And both of the above were invited to uncle Rupert's wedding...
So I suspect we might be looking at either/or for the next leader then.
• #65047
Patel refuses to talk about that cos it's "personal".
• #65048
Patel is too thick to ever get to 'serial'. I reckon Gove has the brains and cunning to get to 5+ at least.
• #65049
I'd have Gove down as a poisoner.
• #65050
Patel is less competent than Gove and just does what she's told for money and power. They're both shameless and amoral, but Gove seems to relish being nasty and gross while Patel just treats everything like a task in the Apprentice.
I'm communicating with you using my hands right now.