• #61052
She also has a local conviction for anti Muslim bigotry speech.
Which means we all know her address, can't help but wonder what her neighbours think.
• #61053
Lost the link but there’s a great clip of a not from London thug shouting “white lives matter” and a London thug telling him “ all lives matter, you’re a fucking racist”
• #61054
I saw that
• #61055
It looks to be getting out of control. This nasty little fascist is posting videos:
• #61056
Here - in the telegraph journo's thread...
Wow. A huge argument has broken out between two men, one who is claiming that White Lives Matter, the other claiming that All Lives Matter.
“You’re a fucking racist,” shouts the All Lives Matter man. https://t.co/OMT1i0y1ME
• #61057
So who is in Central London? I thought earlier that no BLM people had turned up, only 'counter'-protesters to a protest that never happened. (Or--BLM protests in all sorts of places, just not in London, while the 'counter'-protest lot went to London.)
• #61058
A Tweet quoted in the Guardian:
I don't understand.
- Police are protecting a statue from people who want to protect it from people who don't seem to be there.
- Meanwhile the man who stopped us all from having to salute like a Nazi is celebrated by men doing Nazi salutes.
I mean, it's very 2020, but still.
- Police are protecting a statue from people who want to protect it from people who don't seem to be there.
• #61059
I know I shouldn't, but every time I see her surname I think of the German word for carpet fringe--"Teppichfransen" (plural). (I think it's probably from the same root as English 'frond(s)', but I'd have to look it up.)
• #61060
It's all fucking horrid, but surely all this ridiculous bollocks will help put into context the differences between the BLM protests and the awful arseholes that have spent the day getting pissed up, fighting, intimidating and scoring own goals instead of owning liberals. The fucking state of it all surely can't be ignored and hopefully makes some fence sitting, middle ground types realise which is the real problem.
• #61061
Can this be applied to pubes?
• #61062
• #61063
No, Rob. Sorry to disappoint. Pubic hair is called "Schamhaar(e)" in German (literally something like 'shame hair', possibly meaning that it supposedly hides bits to be ashamed of, although it could of course have another etymology altogether).
• #61064
There were no BLM protesters there.
• #61065
If there was no BLM activity in London at all, it certainly very nicely blindsided certain groups.
• #61066
Give 'em the rope. They could have maybe swung public opinion behind them, all they had to do was not urinate on a plaque commemorating a police officer murdered by extremists. Schoolboy mistake. Golden rule.
• #61067
Sounds like right wing fake news unless you've got a source
See for yourself
• #61068
you might want to 86 this until you can post a source, ace.
• #61069
Looks more like a right hook
• #61070
Reading that tweet and the subsequent comments / outpouring of bile is a fucking depressing experience.
• #61071
Just as cuntish. All the over reporting of violence at the BLM stuff, and I'm sure the fair and equal reporting that will be given to all this shit. I don't want things to turn too ugly but the more it does the more it shows these awful, hypocritical cunts up for what they are
• #61072
Yeah about those
• #61073
there's some galloping fuckwit on R4 blaming right wing violence on the fact that statues are boarded up.
oh it's the tory candidate for mayor of london.
Eh? What the fuck was his logical progression there?
• #61074
Broken window theory innit, already boarded up then wreak it. Or they failed to paint the boards white or pink.
• #61075
Just want to say again after being made to look at Twitter
Chelsea fans