• #59827
Any chance of a PDF copy for those of us who are blocked by the paywall?
• #59828
Image of article text to save space
• #59829
In other, no doubt entirely unrelated, news:
• #59830
Translating policy briefs into "See Spot Run!" is going to be stressful, especially for whoever has to do the pictures.
• #59831
[W]e take the welfare of our staff extremely seriously.
Did lol. Pretty sure stress is now the number one cause of absence from work there.
• #59832
They've found out who the Question Time racist is:
• #59833
• #59834
Absolute swivel eyed nutjob.
• #59835
Well, thanks, I was only saying.
• #59836
It is indeed the same woman. I've talked to her, she wasn't unpleasant, eccentric rather.
• #59837
Do you think you'd have the same opinion of her if you weren't white and British?
• #59838
It would depend on how she was with me, I suppose. My view of her politics, if that's not flattering her views, is not my view of how she was when I spoke to her. I've been threatened and accosted by plenty of people at right wing protests who didn't seem to be going easy on me because of my colour or nationality. .
• #59839
Sorry, I recall someone posting a link to a blog with incidents in Northern Ireland listed chronologically.
Searching for it is a PITA, could someone one post it again? -
• #59840
What sort of incidents? I might know which one it is.
• #59841
Recent incidents or historical?
• #59842
Recent yes.
It was fairly sober in terms of layout and descriptions. I think the point was to document how much shit is going on that doesn’t make it to national news. -
• #59843
That’s basically all of our news - no joke.
• #59844
Slugger O'Toole maybe?
• #59845
Loving that last sentence. Everything's fine.
• #59846
Jesus, he really is just like trump isn’t he.
Would love some more details on the Priti Patel thing. What was she sacked for last time, dodgy meetings in Israel wasn’t it.
• #59847
Can't recall the detail but it was something along the lines of directing aid funding to the Israeli military I thought.
• #59848
Arguably, then, it’s been the trickiest week for Priti since the one
when she went on a private family holiday to Israel with her husband
and then-nine-year-old son, and met with … hang on, we’re going to
need a colon here because there’s rather a lot of this: prime minister
Benjamin Netanyahu, a senior foreign ministry diplomat, the public
security minister, the leader of the Yesh Atid party, at least nine
NGO leaders, staff at a hospital, two charity bosses … There are
several more, but all you need to know is that this was your classic
holiday-with-kids. “Can we go to a waterpark?” “No. Mummy needs some
me-time in the Golan Heights.”https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/feb/21/priti-patel-hostile-environment
• #59849
I'd never heard of the Pitt review I admit.
• #59850
I think it was both meetings and unsanctioned aid funneling - from memory she held meetings (whilst alledgedly on a 'private holiday', in Israel) where they discussed directing aid to Israeli army hospitals.
Edit: According to wiki, she also had some more meetings with Israelis in New York the month after the ones in Israel.
that does surprise me