• #57602
Would you like me to shop around for a sense of perspective for you?
• #57603
One cruise ship owner creates more pollution than all of Europe's cars.
Yeah these things are appalling. It's a separate issue to localised city air pollution, more a greenhouse gas issue. (except of course when they come up the Thames, and I'm involved in a campaign to ban this, too)
• #57604
Do you live on a boat and burn wood?
• #57605
No. I eat pizza from restaurants which use wood fired ovens tho. Forgive me, for I am living in sin.
• #57606
One cruise ship owner creates more pollution than all of Europe's cars.
Carnival's european headquarters are in Southampton, one of the world's busiest cruise liner ports. Southampton recently shelved plans to introduce a Low Emissions Zone for motor vehicles, allegedly because people were asking "what about the ships?"
• #57607
I wouldn't bother.
He'll be on next week arguing how boat owners are a persecuted minority and that much of the negative response to them is innate to the fact that ships have been traditionally perceived as gendered objects.
I'm honest enough to admit I don't like canal boat owners as they all smell of mildew and cat piss and sit around drinking nettle tea of an evening.
• #57608
Cruise ships are horrific. All marine shipping is horrific.
Aida in Germany 'caved' to environmental pressure and fitted emissions scrubbers to ONE of their fleet. Then proceeded not to use them for over seven years.
The social and economic benefits of the industry are minimal, and their environmental impacts on ports/cities equally catastrophic. I could go on...
• #57609
We're not going to stop people eating pizza. Might be time to look at the way these ovens are fuelled though, since you bring it up. Not something I had researched before.
"According to a 2017 report into the air quality impacts of biomass by the AQEG, the cleanest and most modern single stove, burning the best wood in laboratory conditions, produces the same amount of particulates every hour as 18 new diesel cars or six new diesel heavy goods vehicles.
Commercial pizza ovens are likely to have a greater burning capacity than home stoves, meaning these figures are likely to be underestimates."
• #57610
I did see the username and think ‘oh, not this tedious bore’...but I needed something to pass the time whilst my youngest tried to work some farts out...
• #57611
Yes. Thank you for making my point for me about your lack of perspective
• #57612
making my point for me about your lack of perspective
• #57613
I can remember when there were almost no boats moored along the Regent's canal. The towpath was kept clear for towing. I never saw a horse pull a boat but several were pulled by human power.
When they ban the diesel and steam engines and wood burning stoves they may have to revert to using the paths for towing. -
• #57614
Wood burning is better for the planet than gas or whatever though. Trees take up CO2 when you grow them so they're neutral-ish overall and the particulates might actually be a negative forcing on the atmosphere (i.e. they actually cool it). It's one of those tricky things where something that's good for climate change in the long run is bad for the environment now. Same for diesel vs. petrol in some senses. And single-use plastics.
Burning coal is pretty much terrible all round.
Are they more green? I don't know. They're better prepared for sea level rise I suppose...
• #57615
"PM2.5 is widely acknowledged as being the air pollutant which has the greatest impact on human health. Exposure to PM2.5 increases the risk of early deaths from respiratory and cardiovascular diseases as well as increased hospital admissions.
Children growing up exposed to PM2.5 are more likely to have reduced lung function and can develop asthma. Current evidence suggests there is no safe level of PM2.5.
In winter wood burning can contribute up to 10 per cent of local emissions in London.
In January 2017 pollution from wood burning was a major contributor to the highest levels of pollution recorded in London since 2011, resulting in a winter smog episode lasting for nine days."
• #57616
I hope you have a particulate filter fitted to your progeny's rear or else someone might come chapping on your door to complain about noxious emissions...
• #57617
"Get some perspective"
"This is killing alot of people, here's evidence"
"Thanks for proving my point about how you need perspective"
I love this place...
• #57618
My point being that in the great pie chart representing London’s air pollution, the boating community is a fucking nano-slice, ranking somewhere well behind the pizza makers, and yet here you are wanging on about how they are evil and must be stopped.
• #57619
I feel very persecuted right now. Fuck the lot of you.
• #57621
that's ok.
No it isn't, how dare you
• #57622
they are evil
Nope. Maybe ill informed and restricted in their choices by poor accommodation provision. I accept it's wrong to personally attack people like I did.
a fucking nano-slice
We have to solve the problem nano-slice by nano-slice, unfortunately.
• #57623
water quality in Landwehrkanal is so bad, there has been a boat pumping oxygen into the water for 20 years
Probably to do with the fucking tourist boats chugging along there one after the other..
I heard back in the days punks were actually pissing down on them from the Hobrechtbrücke.
: ] -
• #57624
We have to solve the problem nano-slice by nano-slice
Lol, we really don’t. The pie chart isn’t a collection of nano-slices, there are some that are just big fucking slices. Deal with the big fucking slices.
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• #57625
These large slices are made up of individual people.
I am right though.
Apologies for the rant, had alot of pent up frustration from nasty encounters during idling engine campaign.