• #56802
Just popping my head in to post this, because, Frieze.
• #56805
I miss read it as
so was surprised by how serious the article was.
• #56806
Urgh, hate those racist drinks
• #56807
the donald has landed
good luck yer majesty
• #56808
Well it's a good day for helicopter spotting if nothing else.
• #56809
Forgot about the Donald arriving and was briefly in Regents Park on Saturday morning before it was shutdown and they had way, way more barriers up than when Obama was staying there.
• #56811
Shows the state of this country when you think 'wonder which party he means, could be just about any of them'...
• #56812
Made me laugh way more than it shoul dhave
• #56813
Can't be about Trump, his initials aren't 'OI', although the 'O' looks a bit like a portrait.
• #56814
I am loving Stone cold loser tbf
• #56815
Russian botnet overkill:
https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-48293196 -
• #56816
Hopfully we are in a transition stage between old style politics,
an improved more engaged electorate with easily verified opinions
forming policy from the ground up. -
• #56817
• #56818
Declassified Tiananmen Square cable
• #56819
Just horrific, almost more-so because of the impersonal, factual nature of the account.
• #56821
Kicking off at the Trump protest:
• #56822
Who is that?
• #56823
Some angry gammon they accused of being a nazi I think:
• #56824
Good intentions (perhaps), but may backfire/be unenforceable.
• #56825
That gammon shaking is pretty depressing I think. Angry people all round.
If you want more traffic jams just rip up some roads / close some bridges to traffic. BOOM! insta jams.