• #54302
The real judgement of the success of the LibDems in coalition came from their voters. Millions of them abandoned Clegg's party. By agreeing to fixed 5 year support for Tories they threw away all their bargaining power. Should have taken lessons from DUP. Take a £1 billion bribe and still hold power to disrupt any policy you don't like
• #54303
Has Piers Corbyn said anything recently that hasn't been known for a while?
There were quite a few profiles of him when Jeremy first became Labour leader.
• #54304
I imagine the DUP may have taken lessons from the Lib Dems' failure ...
• #54305
The DUP didn't need lessons from anybody to be self-interested and intransigent. They've always been like that.
• #54306
The LibDems did bargain with the Tories - for e.g. in order to secure tory votes for their 5p per plastic bag vote the Lib Dems agreed to vote through the Tories benefit sanctions.
• #54307
"Asian paedophiles"
"No go areas"Nice work home secretary... channeling his inner daily mail / the S*n comment section posts writer :/
• #54308
He's hoping that if he blows the dog-whistle hard enough then Tories will vote for him - something which the colour of his skin makes impossible I suspect, so he's doing this to no purpose.
• #54309
Perhaps the Tories are not racist and your background doesn't matter....as long as your hate the right people ;)
• #54311
YOUR ffs
• #54312
I've been following stories about the wildfires all over the place, e.g. Greece and California (but they've happened in so many places this summer). Here's an article about families affected in California:
You can see how lightly those houses are built. Not much seems to have remained.
• #54313
They're not lightly built, they're all timber. They are literally consumed by the fires.
• #54314
Yes, 'all timber' (bar the odd fireplace) is what I mean by 'lightly built'.
• #54316
look 'a lone wolf'
are we still discussing racism or will be put on ignore?
• #54318
A gang of cops beat a black man almost to death, leaving him in a permanent vegetative state, then conspire together to lie about how it happened, and they ‘might’ get sacked. Not locked away forever, just sacked. Fuck this country’s defence to uniforms.
• #54319
Shocking story. Partly how thick, and casual about lying the officers come across. But this
A gang of cops beat a black man almost to death
Isn't in the article. Inventing things about the story doesn't really help.
"he was first taken down, by a bouncer from Elements."
"As a family it’s the start of a platform to get the rest of the truth out about who caused Julian the injury, so they can be brought to justice."
• #54320
However, the panel heard evidence from a medical expert who suggested that, on the balance of probabilities, it was police who broke his neck when they tackled him to the floor
• #54321
Yes, but as @winnifred0001 quoted:
"As a family it’s the start of a platform to get the rest of the truth out about who caused Julian the injury, so they can be brought to justice."
Perhaps we are disagreeing over semantics, but I personally agree that it is wrong to say "A gang of cops beat a black man almost to death" based on the information that we have.
• #54322
However, the panel heard evidence from a medical expert who suggested that, on the balance of probabilities, it was police who broke his neck when they tackled him to the floor
I think almost beaten to death is a bit of a leap from this. But yes as stonehedge said we are dealing with semantics now and perhaps it's not worth quibbling over
• #54323
Cops broke his neck and left him in a PVS, you don't do that without coming close to killing them - I'm happy with my interpretation.
• #54324
It seems like less of a leap than suggesting that the bouncer was to blame, tbh. Quoting the "he was first taken down, by a bouncer" line out of context presents it in a very different light to the full quote from the article
Prof Charles Davis, a consultant neurosurgeon, said “it was possible but unlikely” that Cole was able to get up and engage in a further struggle with police if his neck was broken when he was first taken down, by a bouncer from Elements.
• #54325
So where does the beating nearly to death by a gang of police officers part come in?
From what I read, he was left in a PVS after innapropriate force by somebody while being restrained.
Can you not see a difference between somebody being seriously injured by probably one person with excessive force while being restrained as opposed to being being seriously injured after being beaten by a gang of cops?
For one thing, suggesting he was beaten nearly to death by a gang of cops implies that they intended to break his neck!
Yeah, I knew. He reminds me of my sister, so I have a lot of sympathy for Jezza over this. Bet xmas dinner chez Corbs is a right fighty/squirmy nightmare.