• #51977
The man is a turd.
Less specifically, he is a sophist. He uses persuasion to make people believe falsehoods, and is apparently quite skilful at that, e.g. he used to be successful in formal debating events.
• #51978
It's really quite extraordinary what's going on around May's claims and the various counter-claims in and around the media.
What is pretty clear is that what she said in answer to Corbyn at Wednesday's PMQs was only partly true. It seems that the general direction of anti-immigration policy was begun under Labour, but it doesn't seem to be clear yet who did what at what time.
• #51979
The anti immigration narrative started late Blair Labour.
And in the press well before I guess...
• #51980
but it doesn't seem to be clear yet who did what at what time.
... so like any other current news story then .
• #51981
There's a big gulf between anti-immigration and deportation of people who've been in the UK for over half a century.
• #51982
People who are, and always have been, British citizens too.
Can you imagine the outrage if they were white immigrants from, say, Australia or New Zealand?
• #51983
you refering to hippy ?
• #51984
You don't need to imagine. Was a front page story up here with First Minister making appeals to the UK home office, to no effect. Home Office DGAF.
• #51985
I'm not so sure anymore.
It is all about "othering" of people. Immigrants not 100% equal to moral citizens ergo no empathy, no give way, you break one little rule and put you go.
The brexShit narrative just shows this, people waffle about control, vote for someone who promises it and that those people have no empathy, too bad.
Then this happens. So quote a few EU nationals are very nervous. The reduce/control immigration chat in the UK is the thin end of the wedge...
• #51986
You are Jeremy Corbyn AICMFP
• #51987
Indeed and the decisive concept of 'worthy immigrants' as well articulated here
• #51988
Not really, he does not support freedom of movement after Brexit.
So far I cannot find any data to support dirty furrin's like me have to be regulated with complex (and therefore costly) visa system to ensure life is fair for everyone in the UK.
He talks the talk, partially walks the walk but he's not willing to accept FoM despite all the data showing that EU nationals put more money in the pot and despite EU laws allowing some restrictions...
...and let's just say UK people were welcome when the UK economy was poor 20-30 years ago. I met quite a few people here that told me "oh yeah i used to work in a Dutch factory! and came back to NI".
I am disappoint. I am also a worker. And yes, I wonder more and more if all these visa systems everywhere really achieve what they set out to set, unless it's just about a feeling of control, if so, then yes.
I understand he's not going to go "yeah, let's open the door to everyone!!!" after decades of anti immigration sentiment, but it would be nice if he would base decisions on data/old skool internationalism. Even so he's going against the tide, because the debate in the UK has gone pretty rotten.
• #51989
"smuggles in UK workers after Brexit"
Right, this is the correct Dutch for when somebody is a ballbag on the cycle path: VERY IMPORTANT :)
• #51990
Agreed, I'm still not sure why he is so pro-Brexit, it definitely seems to go beyond simply trying to appeal to those in the party/country who voted leave.
However his sentiment in that speach is spot-on: immigration has been good for the UK and using it to deflect away from complicated issues such as housing and employment rights is just a cheap race to the bottom that poisons proper debate.
• #51991
It's just become a lot clearer - May personally intervened while on holiday to make the language on the vans 'tougher'.
• #51992
One of the best 'how not to do PR' quotes ever.
Also great reporting by Buzzfeed.
• #51993
Corbyn's not pro-'Brexit'. He has re-iterated, even after Labour took the position is has (which is shifting) that he is personally in favour of 'remain and reform'. However, there has been a referendum decision (whatever stuff about illegal influencing of that is currently coming out) and they have said they have to respect that.
I still think they've successfully seized the high ground that way, as by getting bogged down in all that utter nonsense they would never have been able to build the policy platform that saw them do reasonably well in the last general election. May, bizarrely, wanted to make that election about '"Brexit" or not "Brexit", and they didn't take the bait. The Lib Dems imagined they might make electoral gains by pledging to 'reverse "Brexit"', and that didn't work for them.
Political issues go on the boil and then they go off the boil if you let them. If you keep up a major controversy, they will not go off the boil.
It's far from an ideal situation, but as I've said before, they've been negotiating a minefield.
• #51994
I kind of suspected that.
Unbelievable how Nick Timothy has just made it worse by the misleading things he wrote. Was he actively lying? Surely he must have known or remembered or been able to ask people about what really happened if he couldn't remember.
• #51995
I think he made the right choice in letting the Tories self-destruct over Brexit, throwing himself under the (£350m) bus wouldn't have served any purpose and leaves Labour in a stronger position now. I concede "pro-Brexit" is a stretch though I'm still to be convinced that he cares much either way.
• #51996
Yes so if he now walks the walks... but I'm not holding my breath as you can imagine :)
Immigration is immigrants is people that need the same things, good schools and pensions. We can help if we are allowed to...
• #51997
He's deleted himself off Twitter
• #51998
Was it in danger of becoming a hostile environment for him?
fuck me, spin on top of spin on top of spin....
desperate times - these fuckers really are made of Teflon?