• #47002
/wrong end of the stick.
• #47003
Will be prosecuted for common assault, I reckon.
• #47005
If only he'd been driving a car at the time, there would have been any number of get out of jail free catch phrases he could have used.
• #47006
Worse than that - the accused is an investment banker, so the taxpayer will bail him out and he'll get off scot-free...
• #47007
Well this sounds sensible:
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/aug/11/north-korea-us-south-korea-huge-military-exerciseUS and SK are going ahead with massive joint military training exercise later this month, including trial 'decapitation' strike on NK leadership.
I'm sure this will all end well.
• #47008
Thought the new leadership in SK was wanting to open more dialogue between the the two countries. things not off to the best start, with trump and Kim playing who is the biggest weapon.
• #47009
Trump hasn't even appointed an ambassador to SK, so likely not paying much attention to what Seoul says
• #47011
It's really quite remarkable to see the Trump version of 'if I have trouble in home politics, I'll take refuge in foreign policy', which is a bit like 'if I go down, I'll try to take everybody else down with me, too'. It's just the most bizarre spectacle to immediately read the denials and emphasis on diplomacy by Mattis.
• #47012
There was an article on the BBC about UK slavery too, noting every one of us probably encounters somebody enslaved every day.
I've heard rumours about "big issue" sellers in Belfast being brought in to bring in cash for bosses.
But I'd have no idea how to spot anyone...the affected sectors like horeca, how do you know someone is having to work in the kitchen against their will for example? :/
• #47013
"modern slavery" takes in bonded labour/debt slavery too, people tricked into a situation where they feel they owe someone so work for them and can never break free of that. I think it will be on the increase as payday loans and stuff give the "legal" options for debt such a damaging ability those getting people into a situation like that can just use a payday loan as a comparison and come off as better/lower rates.
I know an indian guy who worked with my dad said he worked in a kitchen for 5 years before he worked with my dad, he explained it that his coming to the uk was part of a deal where he was sold so his parents got money and he went instantly into a debt for travel+housing that he needed to work off cooking in a curry place. Didn't make sense how he got out of it but I think he seized an oppertunity in the confusion when someone died and the curry place changed hands so that he wasn't about as new owners took the place.
• #47014
These were the ones I remember from an interview the other day:
- Often looking injured and malnourished
- lack of belongings - ie old clothes, no phone, etc
- Avoiding eye contact and reluctance to talk to strangers
- Not allowed to handle money - ie one person always handling money.
- Lack of safety equipment, or the normal equipment you'd expect to see.
These are from a LA document (obvs some of them may not apply):
Possible indicators of modern slavery
• Marked isolation from the community
• Seeming under the control and influence of others and relying on others to communicate on their behalf
• Restricted freedom of movement
• Unusual travel times
• Unfamiliarity with the local neighbourhood
• Signs of physical or psychological abuse such as looking malnourished or unkempt or appearing
• Poor living conditions such as unhygienic, overcrowded accommodation or living and working at the
same address
• Few or no personal effects and no identification documents
• Reluctance to seek help often characterized by hesitance to speak to strangers or professionals and
limited eye contact
• Fear of law enforcement - Often looking injured and malnourished
• #47015
Description of preofessional cyclists?
• #47016
And bike couriers too.
Classic bantz aside, it is a hard thing to spot and be aware of. I guess if in doubt report it.
• #47017
Who do we report Brailsford to?
• #47018
Fuck me this Nazi rally in Charlottesville is delivering on the WTAFIGO images
• #47019
Nazis in Ralph Lauren polo shirts, quality.
Someone's rammed the crowd in a dodge charger.
• #47020
https://mobile.twitter.com/brennanmgilmore covers it. Awful.
• #47021
Absolutely horrifying seeing the footage from Charlottesville :(
• #47022
Is America great again yet?
• #47023
Ah, you see, it's the anti fascist protestors who are the Nazis according to what I just read on Twitter.
• #47025
Excellent study. Thanks.
There's been a long conversation in my office about this this afternoon. Lots of over the top righteous indignation coming from the same wankers who'll happley tell me that I'll run me off the road if they ever see me on my bike, oh the mad bantz...