• #44329
• #44330
Plot twist: they're all on here.
• #44331
This morning on BBC News:
• #44332
I love the way he just shoves his kid away without looking. I'm going to start doing that at work and see how long it takes before someone decks me.
• #44333
Hopkins gets a £24,000 bill for one of her Tweets.
• #44334
"attack on free speech" morons lose their shit in 3... 2...
• #44335
But does that figure rise if costs are included?
• #44337
Oh yes. £300k for Ms Monroe's costs, plus her own legal expenses.
• #44338
For the guy shoving his kid or for darling Katie?
• #44339
Huge shitstorm in the media now as the woman in the video was initially reported as being the children's nanny... I've gotta say that I naturally assumed it was the kid's mum rushing in...
People are weird...
• #44340
Another media shitstorm over in Oz as Coopers, makers of excellent beer, appear to have supported a religious group who are against same sex marriage... Fucking idiots...
They now appear to be backtracking, saying they didn't sanction the use of their products in a promotional film that was made... Even tho' they've had thousands of commemorative cans/bottles printed up for the occasion...
• #44341
Link? Story of a brewery on a moral crusade sounds like lols.
• #44342
The owners of Coopers have been long-time supporters of the Bible Society
and perhaps there's no such thing as bad publicity... -
• #44343
Loads of bars/music venues boycotting Coopers... No surprise there...
There's been a pretty massive backlash amongst my friends in the music community back in Brissy...
• #44344
I thought the way she handled the kids (a bit like the way he backhanded swag kid), smashing one of them in the door suggested they were of a similar mind therefore a couple. You would expect a nanny to not smash kid in doors, that privilege is reserved for parents alone.
• #44345
Oh, what a pity.
• #44346
you can add 'being a member of the royal marines' to the list of things to be doing whilst murdering people if you want to be treated lightly.
• #44347
The Government announce that the NI hike for self employed people announced a week ago is to be scrapped.
They lurch from crisis to crisis, imagine how shit they'd be if there was an organised and effective opposition.
• #44348
classic tory.
announce terrible idea, be seen to be magnanimous and sympathetic to public opinion when terrible idea is scrapped / downgraded to slightly less terrible idea, divert attention away from even terribler idea that no one is talking about... profit.
• #44349
The Government announce that the NI hike for self employed people announced a week ago is to be scrapped.
• #44350
My reaction also. Anyone spotted what is being ushered through in the background, in the shadow of this, the Scotland Referendum request and Brexit?
I agree...it bothers me it's the HO.