• #43927
I found out over the holidays that my grandad was a head of security there during the 70's and 80's :/
• #43928
Holy fuck! Have you seen the news?!
• #43929
corbyn's fault.
• #43930
He was probably there when Richard Needham turned up for his first day of Sec of State for NI, and demanded to be let in the massive front door, because he was the Minister, and wasn't prepared to use the side door like everyone else. Needless to say, it hadn't been opened for years, and no-one had a clue where the key was. He stood there like a prize cunt for most of the morning until they found it. Tory, obvs.
I hope your gramps was the guy who hid the key.
• #43931
I'm 8 years too late to ask unfortunately. Apparently his most used phrase and the one that most staff only ever heard him sat was "get the fuck out, NOW!"
• #43933
pissing all over women
that fits trumps personality perfectly
it has to be true -
• #43934
It's good that Richard O'Brien found something to do after the Crystal Maze isn't it.
• #43935
He looks like the bad guy's henchman who you know is going to come to a grizzly end just before the final denouement.
• #43936
Looks like Boris' folly isn't going to be built;
• #43937
Among other things, looking for
a guarantee from London mayor Sadiq Khan to underwrite the estimated £3 million annual cost of maintaining and operating the 366m-long bridge between Temple and the South Bank.
Why would anyone agree to that ?
• #43938
Also, apparently:
The government is seriously considering imposing a £1,000-a-year levy on every European Union skilled worker recruited by British employers after Brexit, the immigration minister has disclosed.
Actual WTF?!
• #43939
Specifically, Trump is alleged to have hired expensive Russian call girls to urinate on the bed the Obamas slept in, which seems a waste.
• #43940
This is how Sadiq is killing the bridge without being seen to be the one killing the bridge, IMHO.
• #43941
“So for a four-year contract that employer will need to pay a £4,000 immigration skills charge. That is something that currently applies to non-EU and it has been suggested to us that could be applied to EU.”
But not a word about enforcing anti-exploitation laws, which Corbyn did mention.
• #43942
Thanks Brexit.
• #43943
It seems like an odd solution to "the problem" doesn't it? The problem I guess being a lack of British workers in skilled jobs.
The logic does sort of make sense if you believe that skilled EU workers undercut UK skilled workers, by c£1,000 p/a.
Does anyone know if there is currently a levy on non-EU workers?
• #43944
Does anyone know if there is currently a levy on non-EU workers?
Apparently the same fee was introduced in April for non EU workers
• #43945
OK. So in a way it's a nothing story*, it is simply saying if we are out of the EU then the general rules will be applied across the board.... unless an exemption is negotiated obvs. It's then being spun into a story to appeal to the anti-immigration crowd.
Some sort of hypothecation from CT to training programmes or a fee for not having an apprenticeship scheme seems like a more sensible way to solve UK skills shortage.
*other than signalling / signposting the government's anti-immigration rhetoric, which is a bad thing.
• #43946
Real shame, that. Real. Shame.
• #43947
Geez, they were quiet about this! I thought I was generally aware of the nonsense that non-EU immigrants get subject to, but completely missed this one.
• #43948
Yep, first thing I'd heard of it was in the comments to that article. I should have fact checked, just in case, but it is a thing.
The Immigration Skills Charge, set to be introduced in April 2017, will be levied on employers that employ migrants in skilled areas. Set at £1,000 per employee per year, and a reduced rate of £364 for small or charitable organisations, it is designed to cut down on the number of businesses taking on migrant workers and incentivise training British staff to fill those jobs.
• #43949
PM's spokeswoman says of £1,000 levy for foreign EU staff: "It's not on the government's agenda".
from the internet.
• #43950
I'm happy to pay that for my team members- the language skills I need are extremely rare in the UK. As a percentage of a skilled workers salary (in Cyber Security, anyway) that £1,000 is very low.