• #4027
As Mehdi Hasan, editor of the New Statesman, has pointed out, figures compiled by Europol, the European police agency, suggest that the threat of Islamist terrorism is minimal compared with "ethno-nationalist" and "separatist" terrorism.
I've read the article, and I've read the Europol report.
The article in the New Statesman is nonsense, really nonsense, it's a wilful misreading of the Europol report and a collection of, literally, made up nonsense about the reporting of various non-Islamic terrorists.
Mehdi Hasan: "Imagine, for a moment, that Neil Lewington, who is on trial at the Old Bailey for preparing for a “campaign of terrorism” using tennis-ball bombs, was a British Muslim. The story would be splashed across the front page of every newspaper in Britain, and Sky News would be rolling a loop of images of his scowling, bearded, dark face.
The reality, however, is that you’ve probably never heard of Lewington (who denies all eight charges of terrorism) because he is not Muslim, or black, or of Asian origin. He is white. And our gloriously impartial, truth-seeking, “colour-blind” media don’t seem to care. The coverage of the Lewington trial has been negligible – a few short stories buried deep inside a handful of newspapers, but, as I write, no rolling coverage on Sky News, and not a peep on the main BBC news bulletins or on Newsnight."Nonsense, I mean complete made up nonsense, it was extensively covered, I remember it clearly, it was featured in all the national press, he is a selection from the BBC, the Times, the Daily Mail, the Guardian, etc etc:
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8124449.stm << This article was on the front page of BBC news.
http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2009/jun/29/white-supremacist-neil-lewingtonMehdi Hasan: "One veteran home affairs correspondent told me he had asked his editors why the Lewington trial wasn’t being covered. “They didn’t want to hear about it,” he said. “They just weren’t interested. It’s outrageous.”
Lewington is only the latest in a long line of white terror suspects who have “disappeared” from the mainstream media. Have you heard of Robert Cottage? He is the former British National Party candidate jailed in July 2007 for possessing explosive chemicals in his home – described by police at the time of his arrest as the largest amount of chemical explosive of its type ever found in this country. The national coverage of Cottage’s arrest in October 2006 amounted to exactly 56 words in a single “news in brief” item in the Sunday Times"Again, made up nonsense, "Have you heard of Robert Cottage" - Yes, I have, it was widely reported in the press, on the radio and television, it was covered by everyone from the BBC to the Sun, from Guardian to the Daily Mail:
Sky News: BNP Terrorist Robert Cottage - YouTube
Sun: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article250988.ece
BBC: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/lancashire/6923933.stm
BBC: (again) http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/lancashire/6357261.stm
Daily Mail: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-472072/Ex-BNP-candidate-jailed-stashing-chemicals-preperation-civil-war.html
Guardian: (February 2007) http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2007/feb/13/thefarright.ukcrime?INTCMP=ILCNETTXT3487
Guardian: (February 2007) http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2007/feb/20/ukcrime.thefarright
Guardian: (August 2007) http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2007/aug/01/thefarright.politics?INTCMP=ILCNETTXT3487
Guardian: (July 2007) http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2007/jul/31/thefarright.ukcrime?INTCMP=ILCNETTXT3487
Guardian: (July 2007) http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2007/jul/31/ukcrime.thefarright?INTCMP=ILCNETTXT3487. . . etc etc.
As for the claim that the threat of Islamist terrorism is minimal compared with "ethno-nationalist" and "separatist" terrorism, again it's just rubbish, the Europol figures (putting aside that they are horribly skewed by ETA attacks in France and Spain) include, amongst it's 'terrorists' animal rights and environmental protesters.
• #4028
Found on LCC's twitter, Guardian article about riding in primary position:
http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/bike-blog/2011/aug/01/cyclist-take-the-lane -
• #4029
Duncan Bannatyne asks someone to break someone's arms off for £30k.
To be fair what's the point of being rich if you can't do things like that?
• #4030
Rupert Murdoch shaving foam 'attacker' has been given a 6 week custodial...
• #4031
• #4032
Should have just driven a car into him and used the SMIDSY defence.
So angry
• #4033
He embarrassed the police force for sneaking the pie in, and was always going to get a stiffer, firmer, creamy sentence.
Besides, he's a f-ing dreadful comedian, who almost allowed Murdoch to appear to have a shred of dignity. He should get a good behaviour reduction for allowing Louise Mensch to pull that Scream face though.
• #4034
• #4035
naturally he finished his set
• #4036
"Internet Explorer users have lower IQ says study"
"They've got IE6 users with an IQ of around eighty. That's borderline deficient, marginally able to cope with the adult world. I believe these figures are implausibly low - and an insult to IE users."
• #4037
Major of Lithunian capital does a Kenny Everett
• #4038
Mr Cable is also expected to give legal protection to internet spoofs of famous chart hits and movie blockbusters.
Legislation to protect parodies would prevent the kind of legal challenge which forced the makers of YouTube hit Newport State of Mind – which relocated Jay-Z's Empire State of Mind from New York to South Wales – to remove it from the video-sharing site. -
• #4040
Breivik Oslo Bombing Witness Tells About His Awesome Gym Workout - YouTube
What a cock.
• #4042
Heather Mills claims to have had her phone tapped.
The world scratches its collective imaginary itch, avoids eye contact and waits for somebody else to say something.
• #4043
Heather Mills claims to have had her phone tapped.
The world scratches its collective imaginary itch, avoids eye contact and waits for somebody else to say something.
Oh. Look funny cats!!
• #4044
funnier cat
• #4045
You were going on a pleasure cruise?
• #4046
Yes, just me, wind in my hair and my 1.2 tonnes of 90% pure Boutros Boutros-Ghali for company.
• #4047
Not sure that'd be enough drugs to comprehend this:
• #4048
• #4050
Good to see even Scouse coppers manage to live up to the stereotype.
How do you come to this conlcusion? And what do you mean by natural order? The strongest humans ruling over the weakest is natural order, but we as a society ahve decided that we can go beyond this, so why can't the same be said for animals?