• #33152
Then the people that pick up their stuff.
• #33153
Then the magpies that pick up their stuff.
• #33154
Then kill the stuff.
• #33155
Then stuff the killed.
• #33156
Do it!
• #33157
there is far more expensive shit to get wound up about.
Yep. The real 'landowners' are not our dated aristocrats, but Google, facebook, starbucks ect who don't pay their fucking taxes.
There's an odd conflagration of land management and privilege here. Sure, posh people shoot deer, but they are mostly crap at it. The deer populations are kept at healthy levels by people who work all year round, not just for fun in the summer.
On the subject of the Scottish Highlands, they are very fashionable with rich foreign business owners. Near where my cousin lives, Mr. Lego bought up a whole swathe, deforested some of it to have his freinds round to shoot stuff but they didn't know what they were doing. The deer population grew, some went lame, some starved, then they killed the whole lot and built a golf course.
• #33158
Maybe the queen should become a tax collector for international tax dodgers.
• #33159
Maybe the queen should become a tax collector for international tax dodgers.
Fuck yeah
• #33160
Sweet heart tax deals anyone?
• #33161
Govt 'thinks of the kids' (as a good excuse to continue eavesdropping that is)
• #33162
• #33163
The Govt are really pushing the media to release stories to back up their want to increase controls and monitoring on the internet at the moment.
• #33164
Yup, let's crank up that fear button, guys... Let's see how much the plebs care about their privacy now...
• #33165
hmmm... and when they're done catching all the kiddy fiddlers on the internet maybe they can crack on and let us know which members of the tory party have been doing similar things on an industrial scale since the fucking 80s.
• #33166
It's official (and not really a surprise); the 'Muricans have frikkin lasers. Odd name for a boat though...
• #33167
- Protect from terrorists
- Stop the kiddy fiddlers
- Wipe out copyright infringement
- Profit
- Protect from terrorists
• #33168
Ponce is the only ship of the United States Navy that is named for Ponce in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, which in turn was named after the Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de León, the first governor of Puerto Rico and European discoverer of Florida.
• #33169
Well there you go. Cheers, @TW.
Edit: And when will they reveal that the moon is in fact a fully-operational battle station?
• #33170
Have identity cards been mentioned?
• #33171
How the U.S. Government Infiltrated Cuba's Hip-Hop Scene to Spark Change
Yet another crazy USAID project costing untold $millions. You really couldn't make this shit up
• #33172
UKIP look to be getting some serious media backing.
• #33174
UKIP are the only ones who'll give him a peerage, which is what Richard Desmond is really after. None of the other parties will, due to the fact he's basically a pornographer who owns two newspaper titles. Well, one newspaper and one cheap porn periodical masquerading as a newspaper.
• #33175
Have I missed reviews of Russell Brand's performance on QT? Nothing in meme thread...I found him very poor, ill equipped to answer questions except for some apparently pre prepared mini speeches. Surely no future in politics.
I'm with you. Kill all the people.