• #2577
some incredible footage coming though now. none of which i can watch thanks to fucking apple and their stupid fucking feud with adobe and my stupid fucking employer who seems to think that a load of responsible adults aren't to be trusted with access to video streaming, even on news sites at work. fuck them both.
• #2578
Reports just coming in of a fire in one of the nuclear power plants in Japan.
• #2579
someone better get Mothra on the blower. shit just got real.
• #2580
several reports of nuclear power plant leaks..
shocking images on TV this morning..
Hawaii and Australia also on Tsunami alert.. -
• #2581
It's amazing footage, worrying, sad e.t.c but I can't help but watch it with fascination. I know it's a bit Schadenfreude (I think that's the correct word) but one part of me loves watching things like this. It's wrong but fascinating and enthralling. I feel sad for all of the lifes that are ruined but it still amazes me.
• #2582
it's nature in all it's amoral majesty. morbidly fascinating as it is.
• #2583
it's nature in all it's amoral majesty. morbidly fascinating as it is.
• #2584
This is what happens when you anger cthulhu
• #2585
twitter feed from toykoreporter, harrowing
http://twitter.com/#!/tokyoreporter -
• #2587
It's amazing footage, worrying, sad e.t.c but I can't help but watch it with fascination. I know it's a bit Schadenfreude (I think that's the correct word) but one part of me loves watching things like this. It's wrong but fascinating and enthralling. I feel sad for all of the lifes that are ruined but it still amazes me.
It's not really schadenfreude unless you are actually taking pleasure from knowing people are suffering. Morbid fascination, maybe. Or awe. Like watching the planes hit the twin towers, it's hard not to watch but it is different to how we feel if we see pictures of the bodies of the people killed.
• #2588
My girlfriend works in the city at an insurance company and phoned me to vent as she has had to literally bite her tongue as she watches the 7 figure earning brokers circling the at the telly and laughing like vultures over a carcass as they think about how much cash they are about to make.
Makes me sick.
• #2589
^what does that mean?
• #2590
It's not really schadenfreude unless you are actually taking pleasure from knowing people are suffering. Morbid fascination, maybe. Or awe. Like watching the planes hit the twin towers, it's hard not to watch but it is different to how we feel if we see pictures of the bodies of the people killed.
fancy a bit of genuine schadenfreude? just got this from a german friend.
our secretary for defence Dr. Karl Theodor zu Guttenberg resigned last week after it was found out that his Phd dissertation in political science from years back was a rip off and in large parts a copy and paste job from Google. At first he waived off the ‘’Dr.’’ from of his name but the left wing/liberal press and parts of the likeminded public finally got him and he had no chance but to resign.
He was immensely popular and in the majority of the public eye seen as young, dynamic, good looking and modern believed to follow Merkel in the job of German chancellor.
In my opinion he was just a slimey conservative who was very good at presenting himself for the camera who left out no chance to tell everyone how cool he was by putting on AC/DC t shirts over a suit jacket when a camera was near and talking about his love for hard rock, etc What a c*ck !!!!
Yesterday he was officially seen off. Traditionally all Chancellors; Presidents and secretaries for defence are seen off with what we call “ Der grosse Zapfenstreich” . A military parade with big military brass and drums etc. The tradition also stipulates for the military music corp to play a request from the person who is leaving. Normally they chose classical pieces or traditional marches.
Take a look at Karl Theodor’s seeing off music. Enjoy!!!
YouTube - Zapfenstreich Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg: Deep Purple /// Smoke On The Water
• #2591
If that is the case then they sound like horrible people but it doesn't make sense to me. Forgive me if I'm ignorant of the machinations of the insurance industry, but surely a natural disaster is a bad thing for them economically. They will be paying claims now, correct?
• #2592
If that is the case then they sound like horrible people but it doesn't make sense to me. Forgive me if I'm ignorant of the machinations of the insurance industry, but surely a natural disaster is a bad thing for them economically. They will be paying claims now, correct?
probably not. "acts of god" are usually exempt.
still can't see why or how it'd make them particularly happy though.
• #2593
is this how The Road starts?
• #2594
is this how The Load starts?
• #2595
Surely they have eartquake cover though. I can't imagine that being denied as an act of God.
They sound like miserable people if they find anything amusing or are seeking profits in this moment.
• #2596
fancy a bit of genuine schadenfreude? just got this from a german friend.
YouTube - Zapfenstreich Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg: Deep Purple /// Smoke On The Water
He was just a hyped-up nothing with, as your friend says, a gift for presentation. People like him don't get doctorates because they're interested in the subject or the research, but to appear socially more impressive, and there are probably thousands who plagiarised for their completely forgotten theses, too. I still can't understand how anyone can be so careless, and 'Smoke on the Water' as your farewell music, played by a miliary band, is just beyond ridiculous. Good riddance, I say, but he'll be back in politics, without a doubt.
• #2598
The Japanese news is horrific. A Japanese earthquake is one of the most-expected natural disasters, I think. A friend of mine once worked on a TV series that played through scenarios of the worst events that could happen, and one of those was an earthquake centred on Tokyo.
• #2599
tsunami waves can travel upto 500mph
japan to california in under 6 hours!! -
• #2600
List of deadliest earthquakes, from the BBC page:
Deadliest earthquakes
**27 July 1976, Tangshan, China: **est 655,000 killed, 7.5
**26 Dec 2004, Sumatra, Indonesia: **9.1 quake and tsunami kills 227,898 across Pacific region **12 Jan 2010, Haiti: **222,570 killed, 7.0 **12 May 2008, Sichuan, China: **87,587 killed, 7.9 **8 Oct 2005, Pakistan: **80,361 killed, 7.6 **31 May 1970 Chimbote, Peru: **70,000 killed, 7.9 **20 June 1990, Manjil, Iran: **40,000 killed, 7.4 **26 Dec 2003, Bam, Iran: **31,000 killed, 6.6 **26 Jan 2001, Gujarat, India: **20,023 killed, 7.7 **17 Aug 1999, Izmit, Turkey: **17,118 killed, 7.6 **30 Sep 1993 Latur, India: **9,748 killed, 6.2 **16 Jan 1995, Kobe, Japan:** 5,530 dead, 6.9 *
Source: USGS*
A friend of mine is over there at the moment, I think he is Yokohama at the moment. I've heard the mobile network is down so I can't get in touch with him