• #22502
The EU are banning nicotinoids to save the bees.
Yay for bees!
how on earth will i get rid of my spider mites now
• #22504
sent in the greenfly to eat the spider mites
send in the lady birds to eat the greeflythere's a song my dad used to sing me as a kid about " an old lady who swallowed a fly " ... which follows along the lines of the above... where does it end
• #22505
^She swallows a horse and dies.
A valuable lesson for us all. -
• #22506
• #22507
^She swallows a horse and dies.
A valuable lesson for us all.yes indeed
don't buy tesco's burgers -
• #22508
Make your own from cigarette butts..? http://www.ehow.com/how_4884401_make-nicotine-insecticide.html
how on earth will i get rid of my spider mites now
• #22509
is there a course i can take on how to start smoking ?
surely the nhs provide this a one of their stress relief options / techniques -
• #22510
that ukip mp fella had an email exchange explaining to him about tax, still doesn't get it...
• #22511
is there a course i can take on how to start smoking ?
Have someone set you on fire?
• #22512
Terrible behaviour, fantastic name.
• #22513
argh I can't believe that UKIP guy is doing so "well" - he's standing right in the city centre, not out in the sticks where I imagine UKIP have much more potential. I wonder what it says about the north part of the city, where the roads have got bigger, bikes are being relegated to shared paths etc. it's not the university/wealthy part of town but the main road is gridlocked every morning with people commuting to the Science Park, and the poshest patch (in a neighbouring ward) has been having a long-running neighbourhood war about on-street parking places.
• #22514
Selfish I know but I just think "leave them to it" really, if the traffic is gridlocked then it's just a case of careful filtering.
It'd be nice if UKIP chap had a bit of a think about things the next time he sees cyclists moving as he sits in a jam on the bus, but that's unlikely.
What his communication reveals is how much of a single issue party UKIP really is- he has no idea of how taxation actually works in paying for infrastructure, which to be honest would make him A1 material for an opposing party to get on to TV for a debate as he'd make himself and UKIP look very, very silly.
• #22515
not sure what you mean by "leave them to it". leave UKIP to it? they're not really a threat in cambridge (at least, not in the city) but the fact he has any support at all is just making me reflect on how the city's changed. I think fewer and fewer people who live in the city - especially the more ordinary areas (not the city centre or around the parks/commons) - cycle regularly. all kids who live in the city do, but most adults only do if they're going drinking. it's better than most towns, sure, but I think the image has made ordinary folk dismissive/complacent.
• #22516
Leave the people sitting in their cars to it.
• #22517
it was just mentioned as an illustration of car-centricity, just like the local "war" over limited on-street parking spaces in a residential area. sad times when every semi-detached needs 2 or more cars.
• #22518
Anyone know anything about the unexploded ww2 bomb in farringdon?
• #22519
check this again tomorrow morning :D
• #22520
Just to bring a slightly different perspective on the ukip thing, although I should state firstly that I'm pretty far left (Mao zedong kinda left... I think killing ukip members would improve this country), last time I was in Cambridge I was in awe of roads where there was both a cycle path on the road and on the pavement! Not going in different directions, seriously one bike lane in each direction on the road way and also a bike path on the pavement!
It could be that Cambridge is enviable for us by being in a position of having an amazing amount of cycle lanes, but for someone who doesn't cycle I could see that it may be annoying having so much roadway that you can't use.
• #22521
check this again tomorrow morning :D
• #22522
I think what apollo is saying is that he is going to blow up the HQ of the FTSE100 company, sending their shares crashing.
• #22523
Sell, sell, sell!
• #22524
Anyone know anything about the unexploded ww2 bomb in farringdon?
during the years 1939 - 1945 a darkness fell across europe
a nasty austrian with an oedipus complex manouvered himself into power in the state of germany during the preceeding decade
he decided his people needed more room so he tried expanding his territory
other european powers weren't so happy with his actions and decided to take action themselves
they ganged up and forced this hitler chappie to retreat but not before he and his henchmen spent many nights dropping bombs on london and its environs
it was during one of these nights that the bomb you speak of was dropped bendoes that clear things up any ?
• #22525
An elderly couple's car "plunges" over the edge of a "multi-storey" car park, but miraculously the couple escape with only minor injuries.Quite a promising tale, until you click on the link and see the picture, and find out that the car in fact only fell 7 feet, from the first floor to the ground.
I didn't have a good source to hand. I remember first reading about it in a more 'legit' academic format.