• #22152
Reddit is suffering a DDoS at the mo
• #22153
Hippy's wee story has brought it to its knees.
• #22154
cant listen to stream - in between activity my speakers are humming too much it's annoying.
• #22155
i'm amazed they can understand anything thats going on
Maybe thats why they end up shooting people all the time.
• #22156
There was a palpable tension as the as-yet-unidentified man continued to operate live computer equipment after making the initial 'wee threat'.
• #22157
That tension has now eased along with the pressure on his bladder.
• #22158
I just like the sound of the whole police scanner thing. It sounds so.... purposeful.
• #22159
We have a large industrial park here, workers trying to get in
-does it compromise the perimeter?
Yes it compromises the perimeter
-then don't let them in(what the fuck am I doing?!)
• #22160
Reports are flooding in that the right-hand pissuer was the chosen receptacle.
• #22161
Other leaked details (unconfirmed) reveal the man did wash his hands after the act and used a Dyson hand-drier to remove the excess water.
• #22162
I just heard something about a negotiator...
• #22163
Reports are flooding in that the pissuer has flooded.
• #22164
"call for the negotiator" again
• #22165
Discarded PET bottle waste gives some indication as to what might have caused the -censored- employee to act in such a manner.
• #22166
Was the employee acting alone, the press wonder. Rumours on twitter suggest he is a forrin.
• #22167
Reports are flooding in that the right-hand pissuer was the chosen receptacle.
"Trap two. He went trap two. Do we have assets around trap two?"
• #22168
Police have revealed further information in the hope that it may jog the memory of any witnesses.
• #22169
Water replenishment and Gateraid is being offered to assets on the perimeter.
• #22170
Heavy backpack...
• #22171
Reports are trickling in that the man has drippage on front of gray trousers, they think caused by lackadaisical shake off..
• #22172
How is a 19 yo kid doing this Jason Bourne shit?
• #22173
backup links
• #22174
^^ My guess: He isn't, the police are just running around after their own tails.
• #22175
The wonders of the internet never cease to amaze me.
send in the SWAT team!