• #1477
• #1478
• #1479
Saying "oooh racist" is not the same as calling someone racist.
• #1480
He also forgot to mention surrendering.
• #1481
and the less said about this the better...
Ha! My boyfriend has a copy of that. Enid Blyton it is not...
• #1482
Reclasification that ends our party drinks
but starts our party nights with LSD!
• #1483
I can't say I am in favour of MPs being stabbed but I do wonder, if they thought their own lives, rather than those of innocent civilians thousands of miles away, were at risk, would they be so willing to vote for war?
apparently she went to KCL last year, some hack from the sun was asking people if they knew her.
• #1484
Reclasification that ends our party drinks
but starts our party nights with LSD!
would end the fucking brakeless vs brakes debate
wiganwill "yo dude, you got to have a front brake"
murtle "nah it's good without"
smoke a bowl
wiganwill "yo, what does it mean to slow down in a relative universe?"
murtle "i'm hungry"
• #1485
in other, more depressing news
It also received allegations that JFIT's prisoners were beaten and forced to kneel in stressful positions for up to 30 hours at a time, and that some were subjected to electric shocks. Some of the prisoners say they were subjected to sexual humiliation by female soldiers, while others allege that they were held for days in cells as small as one metre square.
• #1486
Excuse me if this is an old news, but it made me very angry:
“Felony convictions have some pretty serious job implications for someone in Mr. Erzinger's profession, and that entered into it,” Hurlbert said. “When you're talking about restitution, you don't want to take away his ability to pay.”
• #1487
Interesting observations on the types of people who get to be MPs these days. 25 former manual workers, 20 old Etonians (19 of them Conservative). You expect the Tories to have plenty of ex-public school. That there are only 25 ex-manual workers says a lot about what has happened to the Labour party.
• #1488
Apparently Oliver has started writing standfirsts in the Guardian
Front page
Let them eat cheese: anger as Ireland plans handouts of cheddar to the poor
[![](http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Business/Pix/cartoon/2010/11/5/1288968340268/cheddar-cheese---irish-go-002.jpg)](http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2010/nov/05/ireland-recession-let-them-eat-cheese) Irish government's offer of chunks from EU cheese mountain prompts whine of outrage from opposition politicians and public [ ](http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2010/nov/05/ireland-recession-let-them-eat-cheese#start-of-comments)[URL="http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2010/nov/05/ireland-recession-let-them-eat-cheese#start-of-comments"][/URL]
• #1489
Apparently Oliver has started writing standfirsts in the Guardian
[*]Front page
[*] Let them eat cheese: anger as Ireland plans handouts of cheddar to the poor[![](http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Business/Pix/cartoon/2010/11/5/1288968340268/cheddar-cheese---irish-go-002.jpg)](http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2010/nov/05/ireland-recession-let-them-eat-cheese) Irish government's offer of chunks from EU cheese mountain prompts whine of outrage from opposition politicians and public [
There was nothing about wine in the original, you maker-upper:
Let them eat cheese: anger as Ireland plans handouts of cheddar to the poor
Irish government's offer of chunks from EU cheese mountain prompts outrage from opposition politicians and public
• #1490
Or perhaps they edited it
mytheir original funny copy? -
• #1491
It is on the front page of the Guardian main section (on the web) but not in the story if you click on it.
• #1492
Ha, indeed. I wonder if someone snuck that in mischeesously?
• #1494
Enid Blyton strikes again.
• #1495
So is this what fruitbat looks like underneath?
• #1496
• #1498
Hit a cyclist and run. Get away with it because "it might jeopardise your job."
• #1499
So is this what fruitbat looks like underneath?
He is gonna have your guts for garters.
• #1500
I haven't had garters for a good long while