• #127
Fanboy Fred? I have no problem, bellend.
Strictly speaking, that should be hyphenated: 'bell-end'.
• #128
You fat Northern pedant!
Kisses :-*
Man! I'm laughing...
• #129
So you're finally getting to grips with UK geography then hippy?
• #130
Man! I'm laughing...
I bet you're dying inside.
• #131
Haha me, grip, geography? Not yet.. not quite.. not really.. it is norf innit?
• #132
Haha me, grip, geography? Not yet.. not quite.. not really.. it is norf innit?
A Scotsman would take issue, but yeah, North West England...
• #133
Why would a Scotsman take issue?
• #134
I bet you're dying inside.
CallMeAFaggot chimes in now...awwww.
• #135
"Penny Farthing has not made any friends yet"
• #136
Penny Farthing you are a cunt.
I usualy tell people who come on this forum and give loads of greif to sit back, relax, and come back tomorrow and don't be sutch an asehole. Some peole have taken this advise and are now good people to chat shit to while I should be working. But you, you can just fuck off and die.
• #137
CallMeAFaggot chimes in now...awwww.
Homophobia now - nice. Cuntbubble.
• #138
CallMeAFaggot chimes in now...awwww.
You're awesome dude.
• #139
Penny Farthing you are a cunt.
I usualy tell people who come on this forum and give loads of greif to sit back, relax, and come back tomorrow and don't be sutch an asehole. Some peole have taken this advise and are now good people to chat shit to while I should be working. But you, you can just fuck off and die.
I was so hoping for a second chance. Oh well.
• #140
Fanboy Fred? I have no problem, bellend.
it would appear that you have a number of problems. I am just one of them.
• #141
I was wondering what a Troll was.
Now I know.
• #142
What a weird country I live in, where noone cares about low level crime whatsoever. I can understand why you opted for the 100 pound option, but things like that dent the self esteem so much ...
A art of me still wishes I'd have at least tried to fight back after three pickpockets cleaned me out in the bus upstairs, and when I went back up they just said: "What are you, stupid?"Thing is, guys like that have got not much to loose, I got a life worth living, and no wallet, phone or other stuff is worth risking my health and safety. But the self esteen gets dented, that's for sure.
Ohh, here's another fucked up story:
A mate of mine works in a place where they broke in, two of them, and they got taped on CCTV and everything, also the neightbours must've called the police. The two chavs escaped on a scooter and the police couldn't do a pursuit becasue THEY DIDN'T WEAR A HELMET??????
As in: They could hurt themselves when they keep running away?????
So the damage was done, a hole in the window, the door broken, and on top of that the police said they might come back, cuz there were a lotta tasty macs in that place to steel, and they saw em ... When the company director asked what they could do, like put out barb wire or nailboards, the police said that you might get sued for causing injury????? Like, hang on, you injuired me when I broke in???????WTF?
• #143
Noone is a famously caring entertainer.
• #144
Some kid broke into a pub in Adelaide so the publican twatted him.
Publican was taken to court for assault and, as if that wasn't bad enough, the mother of the little crim fucker was suing him for "stress". -
• #145
I'd be stressed after physical contact with a South Australian tbh.
• #146
That's what you whispered into my ear last night.. just before our fourth round..
• #147
Homophobia now - nice. Cuntbubble.
You can bandy around the word "Cunt" and that is perfectly acceptable?
My use of "Faggot" on the other hand makes me a homophobe?
I posted that I had added you to my ignore list.
I did this because I objected to the general content of your posts. Possibly because I dislike your emphatic overuse of "Cunt". You replied 'Fuck you...blah..blah" (such an erudite boy).
Anyway who gives a damn? Not me and not you or any other poster to this BB (one would hope).
• #148
The real scandal is that the police aren't willing or capable of turning up when handed the resolution to an open crime file on a platter. I suggest writing to people, lots of people; MPs, police, papers, and getting some attention from this craziness.
I have had many bikes nicked over the years (maybe 10-ish ?) the police have never show the slightest interest.
I once had a MTB nicked from outside a laundry in Kentish Town Road, I chased the bloke all the way down to Camden Road where I nearly collided with a policeman when I came steaming around the corner.
I explained to him - out of breath having just chased the thief at full pelt for 2 or 3 minutes - that my bike has just been stolen and I pointed to the thief on my bike a few hundred yards up Camden Road - "right then, let's get the details" was his response, he had zero interest in chasing the thief, nor did he feel it was important enough to call for a car in the area to persue the bastard on my bike.
Even though the thief was still in sight ! This policeman had his note pad out to take details of the theft while the culprit was still within view !!!
Fucking waste of time !
• #149
Then you lept into his car - the keys were still in the ignition, allowing you to speed off and mow down the pathetic bike thief. On your return, you run over Useless Copper #27,899 for good measure.
My work here is done. -
• #150
You can bandy around the word "Cunt" and that is perfectly acceptable?
My use of "Faggot" on the other hand makes me a homophobe?
I posted that I had added you to my ignore list.
I did this because I objected to the general content of your posts. Possibly because I dislike your emphatic overuse of "Cunt". You replied 'Fuck you...blah..blah" (such an erudite boy).
Anyway who gives a damn? Not me and not you or any other poster to this BB (one would hope).
I don't believe a word of this.
You fat Northern pedant!
Kisses :-*