President Barack Obama!

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  • Has he been shot yet?

    cynical. but i did laugh.

  • "Restore"? They started killing British soldiers in the 1770s and have seldom stopped since.

    A noble aim, indeed.

    The British have been getting Australian soldiers killed for almost as long.

  • A noble aim, indeed.

    The British have been getting Australian soldiers killed for almost as long.

    Bollocks. Take the Queen's shilling, take the consequences. Unfortunately that seems to include US 'friendly fire'.

  • .

    The British have been getting Australian soldiers killed for almost as long.

    Nothing wrong with that, a good culling never hurt anyone

  • A noble aim, indeed.

    Neg rep. Horrible.

  • good. fucking. news.

    apparently i have to watch the apparently brilliant acceptance speech.

    didn't think i would be so much but i'm made up and so relieved for my american friends.

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    thats shits hilarious!

    =============Enemies of the homeland
    God’s people hitlist: God wants them dead because they harm America!
    Barack “The Muslim” Obama
    (aka “Homobama”, “Barack Osama”, “Husein the Terrorist”)
    Tristan Shuddery (He turned over to the dark side!)
    Cory Doctorow ( Pro-hacker liberal, runs a satanic blog called “Boing” )
    Scott McClellan
    Richard Dawkins
    Alex ‘The Snake Oil Salesman’ Jones
    Mike Malloy
    Michael Moore
    Aaron Russo (God won - died of cancer!)
    Hillary Clinton
    Bill Clinton
    Chelsea Clinton
    Cindy Sheehan (Has publicly repented from her sins - God won!)
    Al Gore
    Al Franken
    Barrack Osama
    Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA)
    Charly & Martin Sheen
    Jeff Farias
    Rick Warren
    Joel Osteen
    Dan Rather
    Sam Harris
    Boris Yeltsin (God Won)
    Cho Seung-Hui (God Won)
    Saddam Hussein (God Won)
    Kurt Vonnegut (God Won)
    George ?Greasy Greek? Soros
    Chuck Hegel
    Sheryl GAY Stolberg
    Ryan Lawson
    Casper the Godless Pornographer
    Charles Darwin (God Won)
    Hemant Mehta a.k.a. The Friendly Atheist
    Americans United for Separation of Church and State
    Max Keiser
    Marcel Marceau (God Won)
    Jack Clark, the ?Rational Radical?
    Nancy “Mafia Princess” Pelosi
    Harry “Polygamy” Reid
    Mitt “Mor(m)on” Romney
    Rudy “Cross-dressing Baby-Killer” Giuliani
    Robert P. Shay Jr.
    Alan Colmes
    Ron Paul
    James Randi

    I havent heard of most of those people but what on earth has Chelsea Clinton done to anybody? Especially 'against the homeland'

    And how did USA/God have a victory against Charles Darwin, he lived till 81 and his theory became universally adopted as the standard model of Biology. How did he lose?

    and check this list:

    ============Wrong Choices
    God’s lifestyle choices hitlist : God hates people that belong to one of the groups below because they harm America!
    Animal Rights People
    “Global Warming/Cooling” Believers
    Linux users
    “Purpose Driven” churches
    Government school teachers
    The anti-smoking lobby
    College Professors
    Hybrid Cars

    God hates linux Users!

  • i'm glad the americans have finally done something to restore the world's faith in their country. it was about fucking time.

    What evidence is there that 'the world' ever had this faith? The reason so many people around the world hate American governments is because they are, every day, suffering the effects of American policy and have been for as long as American governments have existed; it's not something they have to read about. It is not irrational or inexplicable except within societies such as our own where people can use the phrase "restore the world's faith in their country" without everyone around them falling about laughing.
    If the best we can hope for is that Obama is the new Jimmy Carter then we are truly fucked. If he is the new JFK then God help the Iranians and Palestinians. If his victory is only symbolic, as Thatcher's was, then what good will that do?
    I would have voted for Obama but the tone of most of this celebration puzzles me.

  • I would have voted for Obama but the tone of most of this celebration puzzles me.

    I did say similar things about a guy called Kevin Rudd when he got voted in as the Australian PM. He replaced John Howard who had cuntenger down to a fine art. He's got a mixed score card after being in the role for a while. And I think Obama will be the same - mixed results.

    I say that though because Rudd is so much better as a statesmen in terms of how he leads humans as opposed to numbers and guns.

    The point is that with Obama coming in and George Bush and his insipid, cunted up neocon crew going out, it is a fucking good day. Who wouldn't do cartwheels to celebrate that? Bush (and those who control him) did so much to fuck up this planet. Obama has been 'on message' about winding that back - if only so far. I look forward to that change.

  • Oh - and the alternative of course was Sarah Palin and some old guy. Surely that danger averted is something to celebrate?

  • hockey mom

  • Oh - and the alternative of course was Sarah Palin and some old guy. Surely that danger averted is something to celebrate?


    as ricky gervais said on tv a couple of weeks ago :

    'sarah palin believes that even women who have been raped by family members should not be able to have abortions - *how mental is *that?'

  • seen the dance vid a couple days ago, freakin awesome. but Mcains face just seems in the past now.

  • +1 I remeber the party I was at when Blair got in, very emotional, full of I hate the cnut...he was similar (well, white) great orator, big promises etc.....I really hope Obama is different...don't expect troops out of Iraq before xmas 2009 though..

    The biggest thing about this is that it's symbolic...

    I still treasure something the Guardian wrote after the 1997 election:

    'The euphoria was palpable. People were seen breaking into little half-smiles or trying to make eye contact on the tube.'

    That's probably not the exact wording, but it was pretty close and captured people's uncertainty over what Bliar actually stood for.

    I think the euphoria this time around is much greater, partly because John Major was a lot better than George Wanker Bush.

    And I think that Obama is a far better orator than Bliar.

    Now let's see if there really is much he can do.

  • nothing much. he'll be as bad as the last one (well nearly) people will still be living in poverty, the U.S will still be fighting wars, the financial crisis will deepen, America will still choose to be ignorant of climate change.
    i think your optimism is likely to wane.

    i'ts not sour grapes on my part, i wish i had good reason for a different prediction.

    What optimism? I'm ignorant to all of this 'change'.
    How will this affect me/people I know? If he pulls the troops from the middle east I'd be happy. If he started thinking greener I'd be happy but meh he's just another politician. I don't quite understand the interest from people here in the UK.

  • What optimism? I'm ignorant to all of this 'change'.
    How will this affect me/people I know? If he pulls the troops from the middle east I'd be happy. If he started thinking greener I'd be happy but meh he's just another politician.** I don't quite understand the interest from people here in the UK.**

    Hippy; without America taking the lead there is no hope on climate change so who leads America affects us all. The worst thing Bush did was first to deny that climate change was man-made and then drag his heels and so waste 8 years.

  • In that case I'm mildly impressed. But until I see or hear something useful being done.. I'm more interested in local erections.

  • Hippy; without America taking the lead there is no hope on climate change so who leads America affects us all. The worst thing Bush did was first to deny that climate change was man-made and then drag his heels and so waste 8 years.

    Absolutely right. America produces a massively disproportionate amount of pollution. It is also a country to whose values many in the developing world aspire. They want to mimic the lifestyle of America. They want big polluting cars etc. America must take a lead or else we are all doomed.

    Earlier this year I was taken to a baseball match in Phoenix. We were told that the roof of the stadium closed if it got too hot and so they could turn on the airconditioning and cool the 60,000 spectators. That is America's stand on pollution and the environment. That scares me.

  • What evidence is there that 'the world' ever had this faith? The reason so many people around the world hate American governments is because they are, every day, suffering the effects of American policy and have been for as long as American governments have existed;

    Sir, i am well aware of the many failings and atrocities of the USA. however, i wish to point out that
    a) the British have been equally culpable, and for much longer
    b) i merely wished to illustrate my happiness that enough Americans have finally demonstrated the brain power to vote out those hateful Republicans.

    Nothing wrong with that, a good culling never hurt anyone

    i take you comment with the humour it was obviously intended to carry. there's a lesson in that.

    Bollocks. Take the Queen's shilling, take the consequences. Unfortunately that seems to include US 'friendly fire'.

    Your point eludes me. Yanks kill Brits by dragging them into pointless Imperialist wars and accidentally shooting them? Why is this any worse than Brits dragging Aussies into pointless Imperialist wars and accidentally shooting them or ordering them into a bayonet charge against a wall of machine guns? That this is the price of servility to the richer nation? It does seem to be. I don't see what you're getting at. What goes around comes around, it seems, and the Brits didn't get off to a great start treating the Americans well.

    "Restore"? They started killing British soldiers in the 1770s and have seldom stopped since.

    By "restore" I meant "at least we know they're not all morons".

    It's easy to hate the USA, but they did give us Coca Cola, McDonalds, Ford Motor Corp and Starbucks, so it's not ALL bad...

  • McChucks, Fraud and Starfucks.. are you kidding?

  • Really good news here. Need to see the speaches.
    Bright times.

    Rik I can print cards if you can lam.

  • @rik - can i get on your list for a spoke card as well? the one with all the caricatures of the presidents...

  • @badtmy: This is clearly the penalty of your failure to express your point clearly in the first place.
    Do you still think it's a good thing that British soldiers are being killed?

  • What optimism? I'm ignorant to all of this 'change'.
    How will this affect me/people I know? If he pulls the troops from the middle east I'd be happy. If he started thinking greener I'd be happy but meh he's just another politician. I don't quite understand the interest from people here in the UK.

    It's really interesting and a tad frustrating not being home for all of this and hearing international points of view. I am and always will be unbelievably cynical and untrusting when it comes to politicians of any kind. But Barack Obama speaks about the future in a way that Americans have not heard for many years. I will never just blindly follow him but will judge him by his actions. I have to have faith in the promise that he sees for the future of the U.S.. Americans have been demorilized over the last 8 years at home and in the eyes of the world.

    By no means do I think or believe the rhetoric that the U.S. is a beacon for good in the world. The whole idea of capitalism goes hand in hand with opression and tyrany. The U.S. is a capatalist monster and the the world suffers for it. I'm not holding my breath for an inspiring Social Democrat to come out of the woodworks and spread happiness around the country anytime soon.

    I hate the word Patriotic and I am loath to go around spouting my pride in America. Because I think we are all living on the same planet and it's F'in tiny in the scheme of things. But now that I have lived outside the U.S. for almost 5 years now I sort of understand what people see and admire about America, funny thing is, it's the same thing that irritates me intensely about America. Americans have a confidence and
    optomism that I think many people around the world aspire to. Added to that Americans live a life of indiviualism and opportunity that allows us to aspire to being great, succeed or fail we will always give it a try. The problem is that the confidence, optomism and drive for greatness has turned in to arrogance and greed. We have become so arrogant that we have become blinded by it. We have adopted a my way or the highway attitude towards the rest of the world. Therefore we have lost any admiration that had been directed our way from the world.

    Added to all of this, After unbelievable and long fought struggle by african americans in the U.S.. We have an African American president. The U.S. have made a fundemental change in their thinking that no one thought would happen in their lifetime. It is history on the biggest scale! You still wont find me wearing American flag trousers or chanting USA!USA! anytime soon, I would sooner chop of a leg. But It is nice to think I might not have to make excuses and wont feel so ashamed about the place that is my home.

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President Barack Obama!

Posted by Avatar for Elguapo @Elguapo
