• #52
What else does he ever do?
Will. forums are for discussion opinions are discussed, dismissed, pondered, laughed at, praised etc etc.
i would rather people said what they were thinking that hid behind some veil of respectability.
Q:are these good?
A: they are shit. only a stupid cunt would buy those
as opposed to
Q:are these good?
A: allegedly some people are uncertain about some of their attributesdon't like my opinions user cp> settings> ignore list> MrSmith >O.K (or something similar)
• #53
Ok Ok I've been reading this since it popped up as Im kinda interested in the halos too...
...Yes because they are white.
... yes because at first appearances they seem like a good buy for the money, But I know nothing about 'rolling weight' how to tell the difference between good and bad bearings, other than just wearing them out, how to build a wheel etc etc,
Ok actually I know nothing about what would make a 'good' set of wheels (technically speaking) or how to build some but I am interested in learning about these things.
So I say carry on being opinionated MrSmith, Discussion is good. -
• #54
dave. if you want a set of pimpin looking white wheels then buy the halos.
the threads look shit (i have been told this first hand) if you strip a thread then that side of the hub is fooked.
the cheap systemX/formula etc wheelsets often have shit nuts that split. if you replace those nuts you will be fine. any of these built with mavic open-sport or open-pro's will be a good wheelset if they are built by a competent wheelbuilder.if i had that amount of money to spend then i would get these
or a generic hub build with open-pro's
but you will look like the kid in school who had dunlops when every one else was rockin hi-tecs -
• #55
They look Pretty cool to me?
My problem is Im stuck between the two camps, the aesthetic, and the practical, Why that set in particular? -
• #56
Yaaaawn.... Boring.
• #57
Ah ha,
I should have been more clear, I rate Halo rims, and given that I cycle the New and old kent road everyday, or just Dublin in general rims are hugely important to me. So I'd consider Halo for a front wheel.
The wheels wouldn't be my first choice for a rear, due to the hubs, although I would consider a Halo rim built onto whatever good hub I could find at the time that suited. Infact, now that I say it I might get one built haha.
They are strong, totally decent and available. Or not, in fact its pretty clear they are very exclusive since no where seems to stock them!
• #58
tim. old men with beards aren't cool you know that.
now write out 100 times
'i must not covet another mans clown wheels as it's highly irrational 'I never covert another mans clown wheels, I'm far to busy laughing at my own.
For those of you who are suffering from the credit crunch and can't afford those fancy new hoops check the link below for ways to make cash.
• #59
wanna make a movie tim?
i have a camera. question is do you have the meat? -
• #60
Strangely I've recently turned vegan, but I've heard theres amazing things you can do with quorn.
• #61
meat's no good without wood
• #62
Strangely I've recently turned vegan, but I've heard theres amazing things you can do with quorn.
going for the pale and interesting look then?
fuck eating quorn, that's the devils work -
• #63
I've heard theres amazing things you can do with quorn.
things are meant to come out of bottoms, not go up them.
unless it's a medical suppository
• #64
i love the getting sniffy about "OTP" wheels now.
i mean hey, if you're happy with the stigma of buying OTP bearings instead of casting your own from weapons grade titanium that's okay with me. i just want you all to know that i would never do that.
seriously though, if you think it's good enough for you that's totally fine. go right ahead.
• #65
also can i just say that "aerorage" is a stupid and dorky name and everytime i see it i think "haemorage"
• #66
nothing wrong with OTP wheels. just ordered a set for the road bike
• #67
how do you feel about off the peg pegs?
• #68
well i had some plastic ones but the uv in sunlight makes them brittle after a year or so and they all fell to bits. last week i brought some wooden ones from the pound shop, some have fallen apart but you can put them back together but it's fiddly.
fucked off with pegs TBH. -
• #74
i've got a fluro yellow back one cause i broke my old wheel and thts the only one i could get for the money (bought it from cavendish cycles) i think theyre pretty good and they've stood upp fine so far to street riding (had them about 4 months) if thats how much you wanna spend i don't think they'res that much else that's any better!