• #25027
Do you geared, si? Or is this all fixed?
• #25028
yeah can go geared, and would have to if your'e looking to inflict pain!
• #25029
Don't think I've ever seen you on gears, hence the question :)
• #25030
haven't had it long, and i don't use it for journeys < 1 hour so you wouldn't have seen me on it. i should put up a scoblebricks pic. it's a steel Brugmann, columbus SLX.
• #25032
• #25033
I knew Ian couldn't ride a bike but I didn't realise it was that bad...
• #25034
Those are wheel spins you're seeing
• #25035
you need more knobbles. and to keep your weight over the rear.
fnar. -
• #25036
How was the Baring Hall Hotel btw?
• #25037
Good but I prefer the ccc. No thin chips and burger wasn't as nice.
• #25038
Ah I want the CCC to do fat chips. BHH seems to have a much fancier menu.
• #25039
also they played Neil Young. And it was sunny inside. J'approve.
• #25040
Daylight? In a drinking hole?! >>>>>>
I want the air to be so thick with misery you can't even see the despair on the faces of the other punters. There is no place in a pub for daylight. -
• #25041
no the mud was too soft and anyway Iain's forgotten how to ride a bike, casting doubt on all the other adages of folk wisdom. -
• #25042
Daylight? In a drinking hole?! >>>>>>
I want the air to be so thick with misery you can't even see the despair on the faces of the other punters. There is no place in a pub for daylight.
when you're around the misery is so thick you can't see our despair. -
• #25043
Last time you saw me I was SMILING.
• #25044
Which brings fear to the the people
• #25045
(love you anyway)
• #25046
Aren't you a bit small for a stormtrooper?
• #25047
On the subject of burgers, I had the Angry Burger at The Nun's Head après piste on Saturday. It was Awesome. The fries were divine too, they had this black speckly stuff on, pepper + an unnamed herb. Amazing.
This is the burger review thread yeah?
• #25048
this is the 'tibbs, I had this burger the other day and it was better than the ivy house' thread. yes.
• #25049
I would recommend the white horse at easton for a good burger too. bit of a trek though.
• #25050
I think there's some sort of formula for (objective quality of burger) x constant/(distance from your house) that results in a personal burger-goodness score.
Perfect, me too. I'll confirm on Wed