• #52
Most people here use Sidi's Dominators and Time Atacs. Loads of previous discussion on this.
just had a little google search and sidi dominators are over 100quid! Anybody recomend anything good for around the 50 quid mark?
• #53
Forms and Sano; is this a competition to see who's thread on pedals gets the most posts?
• #54
+1 for speedplay frogs. Simply because they are expensive, black and no other fucker has them ;-)
(or because you have foot turn out problems and need unsprung float in your pedal connection)
i have foot turn out issues, at least i thinki do. i'm currently trying ATACs after all the fuss, and while i like them, they are doing something weird to my right foot, which likes to point outwards a bit. it was ok with eggbeaters, which i might go back to, but i'm interested in what you have to say...
• #55
Forms and Sano; is this a competition to see who's thread on pedals gets the most posts?
who gives a shit if there are two posts running about the same topic???
the other post wasn't started by me, and neither was this one. ive written on both concerning two different things. looks like u've posted on both concerning the same thing? -
• #56
I got Adidas Minrett £42 to see how I got on with clipless and I'll think about some Sidis for Xmas.
• #57
^^ooh get her
• #58
Yes, and I'll be the winner, because I'm the coolest.
Or something.
• #59
Next thread from Sano: best OTP geared bike under £1000
• #60
Careful, you bastard.
• #61
sidi & xtr spuds off ebay
• #62
Next thread from Sano: best OTP geared bike over £1000
Alright moneybags - fixed. -
• #63
just had a little google search and sidi dominators are over 100quid! Anybody recomend anything good for around the 50 quid mark?
you need to buy shoes that fit you, not ones that fit me.
I've got a pair of cannondales, they're ok, 661 seem to do pretty good shoes, mostly they're all quite good.
• #64
who gives a shit if there are two posts running about the same topic???
the other post wasn't started by me, and neither was this one. ive written on both concerning two different things. looks like u've posted on both concerning the same thing?well, at least you took it with good humour
• #65
I'm thinking about getting some clip pedals and shoes for it.
So by clip pedals you mean clipless pedals. I see.
• #66
Who is winning on the race between forms and Sano for most posted pedal thread?
• #67
Sano - "Twenga" it - you can get Sidis for half the price, just need to know where to look....
Edit - who is winning now?
• #68
couldn't find the other thread but this one is on 68.. i'll look again...
• #69
Sano & Forms - PM dancing james I think he got his dominators a bit cheaper.
• #70
Cheers everyone for this.
Scary, you're right - I meant clipless.
Mouse, sorry, I forgot the smiley face. Didn't mean to sound grumpy.
• #71
I thought this thread was going to be about an individual contemplating whether to vote for Labour...
I was thinking the same with pedals and shoes t'other day, might ask Santa for some and see what happens
• #72
sano make sure you actually try on a pair of sidis for your size if you're gonna them off the net. i'm a 42 in normal shoes, but a 44.5 in sidis. i'm on the hunt for a cheap (er) pair of dragons... if you find somewhere with a decent price, lemme know.
• #73
i have foot turn out issues, at least i thinki do. i'm currently trying ATACs after all the fuss, and while i like them, they are doing something weird to my right foot, which likes to point outwards a bit. it was ok with eggbeaters, which i might go back to, but i'm interested in what you have to say...
are your cleats properly adjusted? times dont do weird things unless the cleats arent in right. time pedals are king. KING. people need to take note and stop asking what pedals...
• #74
used cheap SPD's for 15 years.............today i'm trying some times.
• #75
I'm currently trying some Look 'quartz' carbons on the storck....seem fine so far...but spring tension is probs too light for fixed.
After about 5yrs on original SPD's...a very brief and scary foray onto Onza H.O's....and the last 12 or so years on ATACS...it's nice to see a different pedal on one of my bikes...the quartz are sure purdy.
had a pair of Sidis some years ago and had problems with them retaining their rigidity...had better luck with Shimano and Northwave shoes i've since had.
Last time i kissed the tarmac was from pulling out from traffic lights at a junction with one legging pulling out and me doing a tumble and that was on SPDs - you've definitely got to keep on increasing the tension every so often