• #652
Eagles mate while airborne.
• #653
Peruvian Marmots can tell the difference between Human leaugue and Phil Oakeys Solo work, based on their unique understanding of the frequencys used in the prophet 5 synthesiser
• #654
fucking hell!!!
• #655
Paper was invented by chinese people to dry their eyes during windy days
• #656
Pip has a soft spot for the Spurs. FACT!
• #657
At room temperature, the average air molecule travels at the speed of a rifle bullet.
• #658
Greek men grow enough toenail in their life to be able to comfortably stuff a medium sized pony. A practice they still carry out in Mexico
• #659
At room temperature, the average air molecule travels at the speed of a rifle bullet.
Some of these are possibly true, but this one is just pure bull!
• #660
whatever. Fact!
• #661
"humdinger" is the longest word in the english language to have a number of letters in a predetermined order whilst sounding rude
• #662
The Puritans forbade the singing of Christmas carols.
• #663
"humdinger" is the longest word in the english language to have a number of letters in a predetermined order whilst sounding rude
Wrong, smiles is the longest word in the English dictionary.
• #664
Wednesday is the longest day of the week.
• #665
Before 1941, fingerprints were not accepted as evidence in court.
• #666
The paper used to print this page you are reading came from renewable sources*
(* Otters teeth)
• #667
The first patented condom was meant to be reused.
• #668
The english word "Waterproof" is dervied from the words Water and Proof, Proof being the latin for a man who frequently attempts bum sex, Water from the greek verb to make fun.
Brings a whole new meaning to waterproof trousers doesn't it..
• #669
Your tounge is the only muscle in your body attached at one end...
now i would disagree with this....
• #670
The highest quality of breast implants are made from little russians peoples breasts and put inside the 'white' ones. the nipples and different flavours can then be connected up, but sometimes the chocolate one doesn't work as Russians don't like chocolate much.
• #671
You want these:
• #672
I do!
• #673
The highest quality of breast implants are made from little russians peoples breasts and put inside the 'white' ones. the nipples and different flavours can then be connected up, but sometimes the chocolate one doesn't work as Russians don't like chocolate much.
its not they don't like it, its just too cold, Chocolate is chemically unstable at low temperatures, hence the popular russian saying "blow your tits off"
• #674
• #675
Only if you have diphallasparatus.
Most of these facts aren't