• #6877
Did you eat before? You burn a fuck load of energy during a sitting, important to get those levels back up.
This is the one. Eat a fucktonne, take a hoodie, and eat a banana whenever you're getting jittery.
• #6878
I never get the jitters when I'm sitting because I'm rock hard.
• #6879
This is the one. Eat a fucktone,
No tattoo is worth that, surely.
• #6880
Hobo are you sweating while shaking? If you are then its probably because of high adrenaline or low blood sugar or both! Having a nice big carb rich meal before getting any work done will probably sort it out. If its a long session and you start shaking again have a source of quick sugar like some coke, fruit or haribo and take a 10 minute brake while it gets into your bloodstream.
• #6881
Enormous breakfast / lunch, and bring crisps, energy bars, chocolate, water, fizzy drinks, sandwiches with you. If you get shaky, eat and drink something. Put your socks and a woolly hat on if you have your t-shirt off.
I've also worn my tracksuit bottoms the last few times, way more comfortable than lying around in jeans.
• #6882
Thanks, im going to try having a good meal beforehand. I think it's adrenaline.
• #6883
I treat a tattoo session like a long bike ride, in terms of nutrition
• #6884
Fish supper to begin with, break halfway for soup and a sandwitch, full English breakfast at the end? (Most of my long bike rides are overnight, so you may do this the other way round, I realise).
• #6885
I have a fairly large tattoo on my back which I got done when I was fifteen, 28 years ago and tbh I've never liked it. It was designed by my father, who was an arsehole and I want to get it either removed or as I prefer, a cover up.
How good do cover ups look? Can you still see the original, I.e, does it show thru in different light or angles...if you know what I mean.
• #6886
Totally depends on what you have already and what you want over it. It might be worth a few sessions of pew pew frickin lasers.
• #6887
Anything I have heard about the lasers is that they are ten times worse than the pain of the needle so I'd go with a cover up.
It possibly showing through depends on the piece that you have already.
• #6888
just get the whole back inked solid black.
• #6889
Clearly I am nails because I've never experienced any jitters or sweating or faint feelings. Then again I've only had two three hour sessions....
• #6890
3 hours is the jitters threshold for me generally, ribs was about 2.
• #6891
I have a fairly large tattoo on my back which I got done when I was fifteen, 28 years ago and tbh I've never liked it. It was designed by my father, who was an arsehole and I want to get it either removed or as I prefer, a cover up.
How good do cover ups look? Can you still see the original, I.e, does it show thru in different light or angles...if you know what I mean.
Depends what you have and the skill of the artist. I've had work completely eradicated by coverups - slightly darker than a regular tattoo, but you'd never guess it was a cover up.
• #6892
I have a fairly large tattoo on my back which I got done when I was fifteen, 28 years ago and tbh I've never liked it. It was designed by my father, who was an arsehole and I want to get it either removed or as I prefer, a cover up.
How good do cover ups look? Can you still see the original, I.e, does it show thru in different light or angles...if you know what I mean.
Airblast sander obvies!
• #6893
Airblast sander obvies!
I'm not as hard or high as that dude.
• #6894
I've seen some pretty special cover ups, backs, arms, arses. Depending on the age of the tatt and the quality of it when it was done (colour/style/coverage) you should be able to have a decent conversation with a good artist about your options. They may reccomend Lazer sessions beforehand, but todays ink and techniques are far an beyond what was about 28 years ago. I'd choose a couple of good studios and go and book yourself in for consultation. Ant artist worth their salt will be able to give you good advice.
• #6895
This was done by Diego Brandi. The owner of the piece is Tracey D. She was working at The Family Business as an apprentice when it was done. She is a fully fledged artist in her own right, now working at Kings Cross Tattoo Parlour.
• #6896
Its a cover up! Hence the post.
• #6897
And this is my Octopus done by Tracy D.....Also possible repost
• #6898
Its a cover up! Hence the post.
It's a rubbish cover up, you can still clearly see the tick on her bum
• #6899
very nice octopus, sweaty!!
• #6900
And this is my Octopus done by Tracy D.....Also possible repost
That's fucking ace
Did you eat before? You burn a fuck load of energy during a sitting, important to get those levels back up.