• #5727
Ok, DIY maybe not the best idea in the sober light of day but I'm not adverse to the cover up, need to talk options with some pros.
• #5728
Ok, DIY maybe not the best idea in the sober light of day but I'm not adverse to the cover up, need to talk options with some pros.
DIY is a bad idea for many reasons. its a skilled trade, theres a reason why people get apprenticeships, seen so many bad DIY jobs, its just not worth it, plus theres the infection risk aside from all this.
Plus tattooing your own arm wouldn't be ideal as you want to be able to stretch the skin with your other hand ideally.
Speak to someone about a cover up, some artists are very skilled in this department, although i don't know how big/dark the piece you're wanting to cover is...
• #5729
Thats Eric da vikings work?
• #5730
Had this baby on me a few months now. New to the site but saw the tattoo thread and will probaly spend more time here than anywhere else.
• #5731
Anybody got recommendations for artists who are particularly good at interesting takes on trees/nature scenes? Another source suggested the guys at Black Garden anyone else I should be checking out?
• #5732
Had this baby on me a few months now. New to the site but saw the tattoo thread and will probaly spend more time here than anywhere else.
Dead nice that. Who did it?
• #5733
Aarone Realmao at Underground Tattoo's in Watford. Its definately a judge a book by its cover studio. Really good artists but a load of 15 year old girls getting there wrists pierced bring the place down. Have had all my work in there, Elmo is currently doing my chest; https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/581055_10151738582275411_1600417794_n.jpg he was aarone's Apprentice. Got a lot left to go though.
• #5734
Bailey H Robinson, maybe a reeee.
• #5735
• #5736
Do you think it was just to hide the gargantuan zit that is where Vader's nose is?
• #5737
Guess he'll need one of these...
• #5738
Anybody in London do similar standard work to Wiesbeck/ levin/ hopper as in regards to patterns? Spotted a guy on old street on a Peugeot conversion with a similar style ink on his right calf. Maybe on here?
• #5739
Gerhard Wiesbecksick. do want.
• #5740
Anybody in London do similar standard work to Wiesbeck/ levin/ hopper as in regards to patterns? Spotted a guy on old street on a Peugeot conversion with a similar style ink on his right calf. Maybe on here?
Xed Le Head is the obvious name.
• #5741
Xoil -
• #5742
Xoil -
• #5743
I've not seen this fully yet, but it looks like it should be here
• #5744
If your flatmate started tattooing people in your kitchen without really asking you, would you have a problem with it?
• #5745
Yes. It's not a sterile place for one... then there's the whole scratchers thing.
Also https://www.alliance-leicestercommercialbank.co.uk/bizguides/full/tattoo/parkes-legal_matters.asp
• #5746
would you have a problem with it?
Air borne blood pathogens coming into contact with things you eat or prepare food on etc is not good. Irrespective of how well your flat mate claims to then sterilise the kitchen after the event it will not be good enough. If they want to tattoo anywhere in your house tell them it's their own bedroom or get to fuck.
• #5747
Air borne blood pathogens coming into contact with things you eat or prepare food on etc is not good. Irrespective of how well your flat mate claims to then sterilise the kitchen after the event it will not be good enough. If they want to tattoo anywhere in your house tell them it's their own bedroom or get to fuck.
• #5748
On a different note I got tattoo spotted in the shop by my house last night. A guy asked me where I was getting tattooed so I told him the name of the studio, he then proceeded to tell me the name of my artist. It transpires that he's currently being inked by another artist in the studio. Odd.
• #5749
Air borne blood pathogens coming into contact with things you eat or prepare food on etc is not good. Irrespective of how well your flat mate claims to then sterilise the kitchen after the event it will not be good enough. If they want to tattoo anywhere in your house tell them it's their own bedroom or get to fuck.
Well said.
Tell him/her where to go.
• #5750
Man alive there are some seriously nice bits of ink in this thread!
I'm here to ask if anyone can recommend an artist/studio in or around London to do a good bit of lettering/script/text/whatever you want to call it.
Bäm !!