• #552
I see your diversion tactics young Ben for what they are ;)
Old people are getting riled here...
• #553
Just thinking bout my belly
• #554
In the last week I've read an article on Vice extolling virtues of South London now the overground has made East London accessible and civilised us all, and Hither Green was on the Location Location Location South London special.
• #555
My point is, I think, that the only people I hear complaining about the place aren't here for the long term. So who cares what they think?
Been living in Brixton since '93; once I decided I was moving to London, it was the only place I considered and it's still my favourite place in this city.
Thing that narks me about the moaners is that the main thing which prevented a gentrification process, for a long time, was the inept destruction of the local economy. Biggest culprit was the council, which simply lost huge chunks of its budget at regular intervals (I kid you not - one year they forgot to submit their housing benefit receipts to central government) and sacked most of their workforce to compensate. So there was a big cost behind keeping Brixton cheap and "real".
• #556
I kind of like this idea: http://brixtonpound.org/
Esp because of this bit:"Ensuring that more of the money you spend in Brixton stays here, helping local businesses thrive in the face of recession and fierce competition from chain stores"
• #557
Lambeth Council are still cunts... They sold The Railway/Brady's to an offshore property company (OSC) even tho' a local group spent (local government grant) money on a bid to develop the space as a community centre, Lambeth are now giving OSC all their money back and letting them keep the place... WT actual F?!?
• #558
And Foot Locker has gone so we can have two more mobile phone shops on the high street...
I've run out of chevrons...
• #559
I'll sell you these ones for £2 Brixton Pounds.
• #560
Lambeth Council are still cunts...
My ex, ex, ex, worked for their Housing Benefit investigations dept and can confirm this.
• #561
mrs_com is a born and bred Brixtonian. Born KCH, lived Angeltown then Myatt's Field. The only reason we would consider living anywhere else is because we can't afford to buy anything in Brixton. Which is fucking killing her, it's really hard for her to even talk about it.
The Roti van going is a fucking outrage, all so they can have their shit fuck, twee, gingham bunting clad "farmers' market" or some such shite. And that fucking ice rink?!?! Does anyone go there?
On another note, did anyone else hear anything about Antic going into administration? I heard they had just put in planning/licencing applications for 4 more pubs.
• #562
I heard something like that about Antic, Aaron.
• #563
doesn't this conversation happen every 6 months?
• #564
With the same cast of character, aye
• #565
Yeah it does...
We all know Brikky will never quite be hip, too near the/full of sloanes.
• #566
^^^ There's no room in this inn for gingers.
• #567
• #568
That fucking ice rink is there because Lambeth fucked up the Streatham rink.
Stay away from Streatham. It's really shit.
• #569
....and full of helmets
• #570
Maybe this is a modern version of Daniel Boone, the man who famously moved on whenever he saw the smoke of another mans campfire on the horizon.
Recast with moaning, middle aged, middle class Hipsters and the campfire smoke analogue is the steam from a chai latte.
• #571
^ Night Jim-Quentin! Night Mary-Tabitha!
And so the pre-rolled pretzel pastry came to rest, while those sleepy headed student free-loaders nodded off into loan free land and caught tiny nuggets of happiness in Dreamsville. The place where their daddy's caught the bill for everything and they looked pretty in skinny plum jeans. Amen.
• #572
Le Reej remains a fantastic place to troll Herne Hill's yummy mummies and rad dads...
Was hoping to see you there this avo. Rad dad alert.
• #573
Anyone know the former social club one door down from the Hootananny on Effra Road? You know the one: detached, double fronted, dilapidated, possibly falling down. Well it's recently been acquired by Antic, who own a few other pubs in the area, most notably the Dogstar.
Their plan is apparently to turn it into a family-friendly pub with a garden. Which means it could end up a bit like the Hootannany's better-behaved younger brother. Not sure what to make of it all really, but I suppose another boozer within a few hundred yards of my front door is probably welcome news.
Here's more details: http://www.brixtonbuzz.com/2013/01/a-new-pub-for-brixton-the-effra-social-scheduled-to-open-at-89-effra-road-in-february/
• #574
And that fucking ice rink?!?! Does anyone go there?
Why don't you go and have a look? I take the kids every Sunday morning - it's packed with kids and youngsters having a really good time. Is that a problem?
• #575
No, if that's the case then that's fine. I have genuinely never seen anyone go in or out of it.
Rotis at Bajan Spice in Nunhead is my spot. Anyone got any other roti tips sarf?