• #202
I didn't want to install it but if that's the only way?
• #203
tynan: can you make my next bike look like that?
• #204
all out of rep for Tynan...
• #205
The summer banners are too... summery. And they are taunting me in this cold and mostly dark season... so... who has images for the banner that are seasonal?
• #206
time for an update? plenty of tweed run pics to choose from
• #207
^^^ i just saw tynan's contribution. hilarious, as always!
• #208
i like this one
• #209
I'm still choked up slightly when I see my HH one
• #210
~~We should use one from the run ~~ wot FBR said...
• #211
If there are high quality tweed ride pics that fit the 1600px wide by 100px high space, then I'd love to.
The picture above is too narrow.
• #212
• #213
Well... who has the original? It's been stitched together so the original must be wide enough. Or someone can send the images to me and I'll stitch together the large image on the server downstairs (if it was an issue of it taking too long to do).
• #214
It came from this flickr account: http://www.flickr.com/photos/47054299@N00/3226964070/sizes/l/
sorry, i'm not that au fait with image trickery otherwise I would try and knock something up. also i guess we need OK from image owner?!
• #215
bump! anyone got anything new..... [twiddles thumbs]
• #216
Memorial Ride photos? (in a positive celebratory way of course).
• #217
• #218
hahaha, shouldn't there be a scratch across it though?
• #219
Thanks, I have just destroyed my monitor by riding in to it.
• #220
• #222
ooo fuzzy. have to find original.
• #223
hahaha, shouldn't there be a scratch across it though?
Fixed! -
• #224
You didn't do that with a Spok.
• #225
Those tyres and wheels are going to be useless having been so close to the exhausts...
What a shame.
This was one I was making for the 5000th poster debacle, but the Langster/Specialized punch up was much funnier so I didn't bother refine it . . .