• #7677
Found it, wiki;
Four weeks into filming, Zemeckis decided Stoltz was miscast. Although he and Spielberg realized reshooting the film would add $3 million to the $14 million budget, they decided to recast. Spielberg explained Zemeckis felt Stoltz was too humorless and gave a "terrifically dramatic performance". Gale further explained they felt Stoltz was simply acting out the role, whereas Fox himself had a personality like Marty McFly. He felt Stoltz was uncomfortable riding a skateboard, whereas Fox was not. Stoltz confessed to director Peter Bogdanovich during a phone call, two weeks into the shoot, that he was unsure of Zemeckis and Gale's direction, and concurred that he was wrong for the role.[4]
• #7678
"What's that?"
"It's a self-portrait"
"who of?"
• #7679
"What's that?"
"It's a self-portrait"
"who of?"
Epic fail indeed. We all know it should be "Of whom?"
• #7680
Epic fail indeed. We all know it should be "Of whom?"
• #7682
Unless there is literally some fornicating wheat somewhere. In which case as you were.
(and fail....Im replying to a post about 2 pages ago)
• #7683
13th picture from left to right....
• #7684
how's it hangin Pete
• #7685
how's it hangin Pete
hows your bowel movement more like
• #7686
• #7687
The SPG on this site http://www.ihateryanair.org/
• #7688
When I googled SPG I got 'Sarong Party Girls' 'Special Patrol Group' and Sex Power God'.
You're going to have to help me out, Aleksi.
• #7689
Speellling, Punctuation,, and the Grammars.
• #7690
1 Attachment
• #7691
wtf !
• #7692
I think they must be american or something
• #7693
so many undertones that no one would be comfortable talking about... ewww.
• #7694
ha... that's gross.
• #7695
It's also really really old
• #7696
definately, my dad stopped wearing his suit like that in the eighties
• #7697
Dare Not Bare Naturists. Cowards.
• #7698
You can tell it's old by the size of her muff
• #7699
And the small girl with a penis.
• #7700
in her hand? And her dad's one at that. All the rage in the seventies
Comic timing..