• #15302
Too right, if we used to eat the vicious furry twats then why not now?
• #15303
Greedy, fat, upperclass cunt.
Think it's easy to jump on this but her comments aren't actually as abhorrent as the lead par suggests. I disagree vehemently with the cull, but at logic's value (putting context to one side for a moment) - there's nothing technically off with what she says. My granddad says he can remember seeing badger 'hams' in pubs in the New Forest not all that long ago.Also. Brian May can fuck off.
• #15304
Of course she could be making better use of her time by trying to dissuade lazy politicians (and the carrot they're offering farmers) to fuck off back to London, instead of thinking of her next meal - but I suspect she may have been institutionalised in that respect.
But still. Brian May >>>etc
• #15305
Aye, putting to one side the issue of the cull, surely the moral thing to do is to eat the buggers afterward, rather than put them in the bin?
• #15306
the New Forest
Need more be said? -
• #15307
I shall be there on the weekend.
• #15308
Need more be said?
• #15309
there's nothing technically off with what she says.
Aside from the fact she has no idea what she is talking about, obviously.
There are too many badgers. It's very interesting - the reason at certain times of the year you see so many dead badgers on the road is that the badgers throw out their old and ill that aren't going to survive the winter.
Frankly I have nothing against the act of eating badgers*, but so far as I'm concerned anyone who spouts such abject drivel forfeits the right to be taken seriously on any count.
• #15310
No idea about the kicking out bollocks, but if the stupid cull goes ahead then eating them is probably better than all the shitty mass produced meat most people eat the rest of the time.
• #15311
Seasonal distribution of road kills in the European badger (Meles meles)
Data from 984 road-killed badgers collected in the south of England during 1984 show a bimodal distribution in mortality for both sexes, with peaks in mortality occurring in spring and late summer. There was no significant difference between the total number of males and females killed, and no difference in the seasonal distribution of deaths between the two sexes. Nor was there evidence that dispersal of young animals contributes to either of the seasonal peaks in mortality. We suggest that the seasonal peaks in mortality reflect increased activity in conjunction with mating.
• #15312
Are you really using a journal article to back up a pedantic nit-picky point like that? You surely know he meant in regard to the eating of badgers who are being culled.
Or I'm misunderstanding this conversation completely.
• #15313
I now know she was talking bollocks about the road kill badgers being old ones getting kicked out. Cull-wise it makes no difference.
• #15314
It's certainly let down by
... currently publicising her new book...
• #15315
Brock-a-leekie soup ?
• #15316
As a fellow Mustelidae you should be ashamed.
• #15317
What fucks me off about it is that we really don't need to kill badgers, but once the government decides to go ahead and do it, she queues up with her knife and fucking fork.
Yeah, I eat meat, but it doesn't mean I have to eat every animal on earth.
Let's just leave the big stripy bastards alone.
• #15318
I wouldn't eat them, but it seems better than chucking the poor bastards in the ground or burning them. I don't eat meat but would prefer people not to waste stuff, would prefer the mass production of other meat not to happen too.
Let's just leave the big stripy bastards alone.
• #15319
Many badgers seen dead on the road are not road kill. They have been killed by farmers, and then dumped on the road. Easier than leaving them on the farm, where they may be found. Some are also from badger baiting.
Source ? Many farming friends and acquaintances who see nothing wrong with it.
• #15320
Ha... no. So far as I understand it, I don't think snottyotter had an especial opinion either way, let alone a contrary one to mine. He simply said "No idea about the kicking out bollocks"... Now he does have an idea.
I wouldn't go so far as to call it my attempt at a joke, more a light hearted pointer in the direction of the facts. In fact, I thought the "Fat Woman's" point (WRT kicking out) was so obviously tosh that it didn't even occur to me that anyone would take me seriously. Personally, I think (badger) ecology is fascinating, and I find the quote I added interesting along with the fact that more recent papers suggest there may be links between rising mean temperatures, increased activity and RTAs. If noone else agrees then I guess the Fail thread is the appropriate place for it.
• #15321
As soon as the badger cull starts im going to go out and shoot a badger in the fucking face.
• #15322
I thought you were responding to CYOA still. I don't think I even read Snotty's post. I try to avoid them. Mostly racist.
So, in this case, it turns out I was, in fact, misunderstanding the conversation completely.
• #15323
Fingers crossed you go out wearing a similar outfit to the dog thing in my avatar.^^
• #15324
Fucking hoser.^^
• #15325
How long until hipsters are seen wearing Badger pelt waistcoats ?
Seems logical? If they're going to be killed regardless, fucking eat them.