• #72527
Kids these days would find it sooo lame... and for good reason I suppose. Yet any seven year old can get on his bike, and for a brief second when no one is watching ride like Merckx. I still get that feeling every time I ride my bike ;-)
• #72528
I still get that feeling every time I ride my bike ;-)
What, like a tubby 67 year old?
• #72529
Here we go again...
• #72530
"What, like a tubby 67 year old?"
Exactly like that, except that I'm tall, skinny as fuck and 40 years old.
• #72531
^^Just watched the Ole Ritter clip, impressive! Did anyone else notice that he had the front brake on his right? Very unusual for a continental pro, I once tried front on the left for a 'pro' look, miserable crash and fail!
I had the front brake on my left on my Gazelle road bike, i grew to really like it, i take my right arm off the bar the most so it makes a lot of sense.
• #72532
Did anyone else notice that he had the front brake on his right? Very unusual for a continental pro...
This was quite common for Italian pros. See also older pics of F. Moser.
Skandinavians (like Ritter) were very Italy oriented. -
• #72533
What width Hoke?
Hope you went 38 or 36. -
• #72534
Unfortunately they only come in 40 or 42. The narrow track bar fashion hasn't caught on with mainstream manufacturers yet.
• #72535
People never believe me, I think the pedals must have jus been faulty.
I had only had the cleats for 2 weeks and 150 miles so not worn, foot was not twisted when skidding either, must be faulty pedals then, no?I've unclipped from my Atacs before. Cleats were fine. I think one side of one pedal is just a bit to worn. Nothing's infalable.
• #72536
Nothing's infalable.
Including your spell checker, it seems
• #72537
Funnily enough it wanted me to write incapable first.
• #72538
Gaston the bike is amazing, but I'm so anal that it really annoys me to see a campag crank bolt with a stronglight crank. I don't even know why.
you so right, i have to find that somewhere !
• #72539
I had a pair of those but my LBS pinched them and they are probably being sold as NOS on ebay by now!
• #72540
"I had the front brake on my left on my Gazelle road bike, i grew to really like it, i take my right arm off the bar the most so it makes a lot of sense."
Never really thought about it till now, but I've always had my brakes like that, when I was still using brakes that is.
• #72541
I find that I use my right hand for DT shifters, so when downshifting and braking for junctions it makes sense to have the main (front) brake on the left hand. Cable routing works better as well.
• #72542
Lynch, you're a European in disguise!
I swear man, you measure in KM, Ride an Italian bike and have your brakes* set up wrong.*shudders
• #72543
^^ also because I'm always in the big ring I only ever need the right hand shifter.
• #72544
Lynch, you're a European in disguise!
I swear man, you measure in KM, Ride an Italian bike and have your brakes* set up wrong.*shudders
The UK is in Europe, despite the Tories efforts to remove us.
• #72545
My dad taking me to six days races and eventually watching Stars and Watercarriers at the age of seven is what got me into cycling in the first place. That clip "power, cycle and style in the simplest manifestation possible", is pure art.
Last weekend
Me in breton and cap, my son in yellow jumper. http://sphotos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/554912_10151408527949621_1747437365_n.jpg
He enjoyed it surprisingly much
Mums and dads thread>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -
• #72546
The noise of old french car horns is nostalgic as well.
• #72547
"Lynch, you're a European in disguise! I swear man, you measure in KM, Ride an Italian* bike and have your brakes set up in a grown up civilised manner... AICMFP."
Technically I suppose I'm an ethnological fuck up. Mum's half Danish and half English she grew up in Canada. Dad's American and grew up here. I was born in France but have no recollection of ever living there. I think I'm English, if that makes sense, but I have no real perception of nationality, except when queuing at immigration and air port security ;-)
*Taiwanese thank you very much.
• #72548
Can't get the link to work drøn, but I think it's way cool that you're taking your kid.
*There's hope for humanity yet.
• #72549
Ha not as much of an ethnological fuck up as me!
I don't even have an English passport.
+1 for S&W
When we were kids it was "stars & watercarriers", "Pour un Maillot Jaune", and "A Sunday in Hell" - stunning films I'd recommend to anyone