• #12252
My Steve Goff is on the road again, and looking much nicer than before.
Edit to add, the quality of the bike is first class, and the paint is superb, if a little brittle. That bike is about 20 years old and looks almost new.
@Jammy, you will be so pleased with yoursBlueQuinn, was it you I saw this morning (Thursday) on Chiswick High Road? I was the idiot on the black Brompton who commented on your nice bike.
• #12253
@scrote. that look nuts. i like it
• #12254
Scott, that is some Mad Max shizzle. Put some guns on it.
• #12255
Damn Scott!
So what, you now off for a 6 month cycle around the world?
• #12256
Damn Scott!
So what, you now off for a 6 month cycle around the world?
I bloody wish! :)
• #12257
Why thank you Jonny :)
It's almost ready now...here it is with the finished frame bag, and gastank bag, and mudguards.
Just the saddle bag to make now.
Woof! Utility porn... Can I have a wall-sized print of that?
• #12258
Scott, that is some Mad Max shizzle. Put some guns on it.
last of the V8 interceptors!
yeah, i like it a lot scott, u sell them frame bags?
• #12259
for me this bike look like my idea of a militar bike, robust, reliable, full of nice gear.
• #12260
yeah you gotta get some more gadgets, like an immobilizer for sure a solar powered charger for the gps and maybe a tracking microchip to tell you where your bike is at at all times.
• #12261
full of nice gear.
Oh, so that's what this bike is about... running 'errands' eh? ;)
• #12262
a bog perspex fairing on the front
• #12263
There, just left of the elephants. (dammit it's not hotlinking : http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://image53.webshots.com/53/9/38/12/393793812brPMfc_ph.jpg&imgrefurl=http://travel.webshots.com/photo/1393793812074072424brPMfc&usg=__Z7HDDL09JfLv2iMG9R5ub66PJv4=&h=480&w=640&sz=46&hl=en&start=11&um=1&tbnid=isHkFlUUvlSEhM:&tbnh=103&tbnw=137&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dchocolate%2Banimals%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1T4GGLR_enGB251GB251%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1 )
Lovely lovely bike Scott, excellent!
I've been thinking about a chain with loops exactly like the one you've made. Can I ask how you joined the ends back onto the chain? I'm wondering if you used longer pins for that join and just bent the end outer plates out a bit to fit over?
• #12264
it's just an "O" you join it to the other end
• #12265
Oh yeah maybe you're right old fruit.
• #12266
it's an O with something covering the main length of it.
• #12267
Oh yeah maybe you're right old fruit.
Murtle is right....a loop of chain with a length of road bike innertube over it...hence why it looks so skinny.
• #12268
Murtle is right....a loop of chain with a length of road bike innertube over it...hence why it looks so skinny.
What's the purpose?
• #12269
Stops your saddle being nicked.
• #12270
unless you carry a chain-breaker..
• #12271
They're just to stop the opportunists who carry allen keys to quickly swipe peoples saddles, stems, bars etc
• #12272
They're just to stop the opportunists who carry allen keys to quickly swipe peoples saddles, stems, bars etc
lightbulb goes on
• #12273
(scott) as said on numerous occasions i love it.
and if you ever produce a saddle bag, well i'll be having one, cheers.wibble, looks nice, hows it ride?
• #12274
Just bought from JD.
Things to do:
-tape the bars
-probably switch out front wheel (currently tub)
-probably get a clamp on brake*It will get on the track but I'd like to ride it on the road too
3 Attachments
• #12275
^ lovely :-)
Scott are those HID lights on there as well?