• #12577
Why the eff do all the carrots I buy go manky so quickly? Went to cupboard to make a carrot and tahini salad for lunch and carrots I bought on Sunday are already going limp and wisened. Annoying.
• #12578
keep them in the fridge
• #12579
I have taken the plunge and now have a jar of what I hope will be sourdough starter bubbling away in my kichen, its only 3 days old so far but smelling a bit boozy which is promising. I hope it works!
• #12580
keep them in the fridge
& in a tub of water. You can rehydrate them.
• #12583
Why the eff do all the carrots I buy go manky so quickly? Went to cupboard to make a carrot and tahini salad for lunch and carrots I bought on Sunday are already going limp and wisened. Annoying.
I think that most carrots you can buy in London aren't very good quality to start with and the dry, polluted climate makes them wither more quickly. Not scientifically tested, but I've always been puzzled by their short shelf-life in London, too.
• #12584
chiiiippssss. need crunchy delicious chipsssssss
• #12585
Oh wow, is this the thread that stops me lurking and starts me posting? I work in the unit directly above Dirty Burger, and every day the first patties getting fried make my office smell great. This is the first one they cooked (we went down and waited on the first day like excited children)
Also, to the sourdough people: how do I stop it going all flat like this in the oven? I already used much less water than I was told (+-300g 50/50 starter with 500g flour and 250ml water) Any tips would be very much appreciated
• #12586
That looks like it is undercooked in that pic. Is it done all the way through?
If it is, it doesn't look like the gluten structure is holding up. Have you overworked it?
• #12587
The picture was taken really soon after it came out of the oven, I didn't have the patience to let it stand and for the steam to dissipate so it does look a bit wet and doughy inside. subsequent cuts after cooling were dry and cooked through.
I could well have overworked it, but I also used quite cheap flour (own brand stong white flour).
• #12588
Or possibly left to rise/prove for too long? Did you spend a long time shaping it after proving?
• #12589
It could be many things. I would say that if the dough isn't too wet (conversely if its too dry that also may stop it rising) then it is over-proofed. Try shaping the loaves then proving them in baskets in a fridge overnight. This slows the proving down and also helps the loaf from spreading too much when baking.
I also bake my loaves for 20 mins fully covered at 240 C and then 25 mins at 200 C. This helps with the oven spring and ensures the loaf is cooked through without burning the crust
• #12590
That could well be it, I made the dough on Thursday evening, shaped it on Friday morning, and baked Saturday morning.
Its quite a bit longer than the proving time I had been recommended, but the whole point of the exercise for me is to have it ready to pop in the oven on saturday morning, without disrupting my sleep or job (standard office day job) on friday.
Do either of you have a good weekly plan? Thanks for the tips by the way.
• #12591
Just seen your post Bainbridge, the basket in the fridge may well be the answer. I'll try it out, thanks!
• #12592
That is far too long for proving - the dough will have expanded and then collapsed by then, so it doesn't have any extensibility by the time you bake.
My schedule:Night before, get starter out of fridge. Take a tablespoon and put it in a bowl with equal amounts of water and flour. Leave out overnight.
The next morning, make the dough. I do the 'Tartine' method where you 'turn' the dough every half an hour for 2-4 hours depending on my work schedule.
I then divide the dough into two, then roughly form the loaves and let them rest for 30 mins (called the bench rest).
I then do a final shaping (including folds to increase internal tension which increases oven spring), pop them in the proving basket and prove for either 3-5 hours or overnight in the fridge.
All this is very adaptable to anyone's schedule. I have a changeable work pattern so I just work out when is good in my week.I eat one loaf and freeze the othe. I then refresh it using a microwave and a short time in te oven - it comes out like a newly baked loaf
• #12593
Bainbridge I am trying to pick up on all your good sourdough advice, thanks for the tips! I have one question, what basket do you use for shaping?
• #12594
I use this one to prove the dough once it's shaped
• #12595
Perfect, thanks!
• #12596
The food at my sister's wedding was epic. I know I am biased but best wedding food I've ever had and I've been to many, many weddings!
Sweet and sour paneer, never thought of making that before, it was so delicious.
• #12597
Has anyone been to burnt enz thirsty thursdays yet?
• #12598
The food at my sister's wedding was epic. I know I am biased but best wedding food I've ever had and I've been to many, many weddings!
Sweet and sour paneer, never thought of making that before, it was so delicious.
Sounds incredible. Have you got another sister?
• #12599
What's going on? Have people stopped eating?
It's getting cold down on the coast so I made some sweet potato soup last night - but threw in some home-made jerk paste and a little coconut milk. Warming and luvverly.
Going for a forage next weekend around the downs/ditchling followed by a fish in the sea for a few mackerel. Free food ftw.
• #12600
Sounds incredible. Have you got another sister?
No, not sure how I'd feel about you as a brother in law...
What's going on? Have people stopped eating?
It's getting cold down on the coast so I made some sweet potato soup last night - but threw in some home-made jerk paste and a little coconut milk. Warming and luvverly.
Going for a forage next weekend around the downs/ditchling followed by a fish in the sea for a few mackerel. Free food ftw.
I haven't really been going anywhere new so didn't feel like I had anything to report.
Cooked ray wings for the first time on Sunday. Didn't realise how delicate the flavour is, totally fucked it up. Worked on the tuna steak though. Anyone got any good ideas?
need curry sanger