• #8327
Another snap from the weekend from the Hexar... weeee....
More here.. http://www.wednesdayblog.co.uk/vauxhall-jam/
• #8328
And another... I potato chopped a car out from behind... lols...
• #8329
Bit worried I will break it... too precious... and I have found a black one which I think I would prefer... less obvious...
Found a great shop up in Scotland that has soooo much stuff.Link?
• #8331
Anyone got any recommendations for online labs, who are good with medium format, and not too pricey?
• #8332
These guys any good? http://www.photofilmprocessing.co.uk/120FilmProcessing.html
• #8333
Paging nefarious
• #8334
I've used them - good communication, good turnaround, good prices, had a little problem and it got sorted immediately = good service.
Did get a couple of scratched negs - I'm not sure I would use them for pro work - but them I'm never going to have any pro work. I'd send them a test roll first if that's an option, or something less important. When I did my cousin's wedding I didn't use them.
7/10, but only because of the scratched negs, and that was last year, so I assume they've changed their squeegee thing by now. Otherwise would be 9/10. They've got good rep on the interweb, so I may have been unlucky.
I did my last set of 120s with genieimaging.co.uk who were cheap and good and I would happily recommend them.
My fave lab is Kodak Express in Twickenham
Address: 6 King St, Town Centre, Twickenham TW1 3SN
Phone:020 8891 4737the guys who run it are proper old school and know their shit. But they don't do mail order - I guess they would if you rang them. And they are not the cheapest.
• #8335
Hexar shutter is going a bit funny... sometimes won't fire... common problem I hear... easyish fix but not by me!
Yeah, mine did that.
If you have a small enough screwdriver you should give it a shot.
I'd offer to do it for you but I'm not local.
• #8336
And you fixed it yourself? I swear I will mess it up...
• #8337
Does anyone know anywhere in London that sells already expired colour 35mm film? I'm aware there may be an associated cool-tax, but that's okay as it's not for me :)
• #8338
• #8339
Does anyone know anywhere in London that sells already expired colour 35mm film? I'm aware there may be an associated cool-tax, but that's okay as it's not for me :)
Buy pound land film and put it in the oven, at £1 a roll it'll be cheaper than most expired film you find online.
• #8340
Thanks both - will have a play/suggest these options.
• #8341
Buy pound land film and put it in the oven
did never try that, but of course it will work in a way.
really curious to see actual results though! if it's good, it's good.
if it just looses conrast / numbs colours i guess you could just shoot using your iphone and one of these "vintage" filters. -
• #8342
These guys any good? http://www.photofilmprocessing.co.uk/120FilmProcessing.html
And you fixed it yourself? I swear I will mess it up...
Yeah yeah it's dead easy.
There's a guide somewhere online. Basically undo some screws and lift the top off, pop the button out, clean it and the reverse to put it back together.
• #8343
Pretty excited...
Untitled by 40 skid patches, on Flickr
Untitled by 40 skid patches, on FlickrThis will get expensive real quick...
• #8344
^ much jealous
• #8345
90mm ?
• #8346
Yup 90mm 3.5
• #8347
Never shot a roll with one of those, just had a look at a friends once.
I liked the thing!Have fun!
: ] -
• #8348
Hoping it's worth the 2 month plus wait I had and shipping woes surrounding it.
• #8349
That thing looks amazing! Look forward to seeing the results.
I'm enjoying my £5 Mju II, this is my favourite of the roll... The rest of the images are here.
• #8350
Very nice and lots of those places look familiar, mind sharing where you shot it?
Erm, prime? As in fixed lens? Yeah...