• #17277
Random question, is this mesh, photo below, the same as the one sold on silverprint for like 5 times as much?
• #17278
Ahah, yes.
• #17279
Not the same, we both know that.
• #17280
Hmmm, very nice.
Good to see some Rollei shots again.Not to be picky, but there is some front focusing happening in three of the four images (ball instead of kids faces, beagle's nose instead of eyes, tree instead of girl) - unless this was on pupose maybe your focusing screen is a bit off?
• #17281
To be honest a lot of it comes down to trying to get shots quickly and also using maximum aperture. I have been using f8 so much on the Rollei I felt like mixing it up.
Critical focusing is much harder at f3.5!
• #17282
*never mind all sorted now...
• #17283
• #17284
Tried Ektar, love it!
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• #17285
• #17287
• #17288
Thanks! :)
• #17289
Cheers! 1 & 2 are from a Leica M3 and 3 a Contax T2. Both are Tri-X 400.
• #17290
Got my scans back, Contax T2 has this weird sorta ring on some of the photos as if its a flair but the sun isn't always involved. Not ruined but really fucking annoying
This one below is a sorta bad one but theres worse ones in it. Never done this before and I went away and I shot about 10 rolls through it. Maybe time to just invest in the Summicron and go back to M6 only.
1 Attachment
• #17291
Hmm. Is the circle always exactly like that? Post some more examples and maybe somebody can help you.
• #17292
Haven't been on this section of the forum for a while.
Anyone use Harman Direct Positive paper for your non digital photography?
I've had a few attempts with it and never had much luck, I ran some through my 5x4 camera this week and the results are pretty crappy.
I shot 4 sheets earlier in the week out in the countryside and accidentaly underexposed all of those as I thought I had standard multigrade paper in the film holders.
Took some time today and shot another 4 sheets in the flat, 1 of which was completely black when developed, the other 3 are pretty muddy and uninspiring (the one of me was a joint effort with the wife).
I presume I've underexposed a bit but I dunno...
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• #17293
Nice carpet!
• #17294
Look at this camera I've found : Selfie mode with double shutter-release buttons right from 2005 <3
• #17295
Great find. These are wicked.
Snap mode, 24mm local length and f2.8.
I’m taking one on an adventure this coming weekend.
• #17296
Shots from the film test. Really cool camera, i just think the viewfinder could be better.
• #17297
absolutely love the textures in the second one. shame about the light leak but really nice photo .
• #17298
Lovely shots.
Is the portrait shot zoomed to 50mm?
• #17299
Yes and thanks. I should put C41 more often in my cameras....
• #17300
1 Attachment
A few more recent shots, Rolleicord / Ektar 100.
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