• #552
I like symmetrical patterns and look forward to perhaps picking out some good ones.
• #553
Er, it doesn't work like that.
Gravatar will assign a unique symmetrical pattern to you. And it will always be your pattern.
The point of gravatar is that if ten sites support it, and you upload a real picture there to be your avatar, then all ten sites that you use will show your new picture... you didn't have to update them individually.
But if you haven't yet uploaded a picture to gravatar, then it uses a hash of your email address to generate a unique one for you.
• #554
Bit techno Dave?
can't we have pictures of animals or even better pictures of BRM!
• #555
Er, it doesn't work like that.
Gravatar will assign a unique symmetrical pattern to you. And it will always be your pattern.
Sorry, what I meant was that I'm looking forward to perhaps finding some nice patterns in others' gravatars.
• #556
Bit techno Dave?
can't we have pictures of animals or even better pictures of BRM!
We could have monsters.
• #557
We could have monsters.
Wild Things FTW!
• #558
or spiders...
• #559
The gravatars have gone.
Having barely arrived.
The haters were hating, and getting all angry and stuff.
Anyhow, hopefully they be happy now. Poor haters... bless.
• #560
I liked them. Not enough to get angry though.
People are just afraid of change :(
• #561
it's not the change, i say!it's a long standing thing between me & those patterns...i've had run-ins in the past on other sites...haha.i didn't mean to be a hater!
• #562
Ah, good job I saved the two nice patterns that I liked. But the others were a bit of a waste of time, frankly. Try again when you find a site with better-patterned avatars. :)
• #563
Playing around with Stats tools:
Real-time: http://chartbeat.com/dashboard/?url=londonfgss.com&k=a2bda2cfba3b183f467df38e54bfa6ad
Delayed but insightful: http://www.quantcast.com/londonfgss.com
And I haven't yet worked out a realistic way of giving you access to the Google Analytics pages.
• #564
Only 2% are addicts?
• #565
Got 3 suggestions:
a back-end setting whereby a C+ style thread is un-bumpable. So no matter how many replies it gets it slides down the list to its doom. The opposite of sticky.
A "rate this thread" system where we can neg-rep a thread (perhaps with reasons for neg-repping) so that after 10 neg reps it triggers the above unstickiness.
bring back automatic avatars, but draw the source images from kittenwar so that everything becomes more fluffy and nice.
• #566
Only 2% are addicts?
It's only been enabled a few hours. Give it time.
.... ah, my bad. You meant Quantcast... well that has only been enabled a few weeks... give it time.
• #567
I'm enjoying the chartbeat site.. Especially the 'conversations' bit where you can see which people have put the site on their twitter..
• #568
The stats have led me to look at page load times.
Unfortunately pages usually load slower because of something totally out of my control: large images in posts that reside on other websites.
The only thing I can do to make pages load faster without going to the extreme of banning remote images... is to load everything visible first, and only load other stuff when it becomes visible.
It's called lazy-loading. And as of this morning we now do it. So you might find yourself seeing a wide effect when scrolling through image heavy threads of the images only loading when you've reached them... but the upside is that even though the server will do no more work and it still takes just as long to make a web page, it will now feel faster.
• #569
• #570
OK, one thing that has broken is the lightbox plugin.
So attachments cannot open in that little window with the greyed out background anymore.
Unfortunately the benefits of the CDN (saving money and making things faster) outweigh the prettiness of having a lightbox to display attached images.
Hey V(B) - now that lightbox is gone can you do the thingy that makes them open in new tabs rather than the same one you're viewing (as it is for other links)? The lack of consistency confuses me.
• #571
I thought that everything opens in this window? What opens in another window/tab?
Damn, I thought I had consistency.
And holding shift when you click does it.
• #572
Sorry, new window/new tab - same thing. It does happen with almost everything (that links off site). Which I like. Except: clicking on images does not open a new window/tab. It takes you away from the thread you're reading to the enlarge image (and of course, when you go back, that means you have to scroll back down to your previous position).
Or is this only happening to me? The t-shirt thread is a good one to try this out on.
• #573
Or is this only happening to me? The t-shirt thread is a good one to try this out on.
No, same here. I'd prefer it if it automatically opened in another tab, too.
• #574
Also, I quite often get the 'Thread Tools' drop-down menu not working now. DO I always have to allow googleapis.com for that to work now? Even then, it often doesn't work on reloading but instead jumps to the bottom of the page, where the Thread Tools are listed.
• #575
Yes, googleapis.com needs to be allowed. If parts of the pages don't work because you've blocked things, then it's your own goddamn fault and I shall be laughing at you and not helping.
Oh, and there are teething problems... quick reply, member profile, live topics, etc. But I'm only covering the most common things and not every edge case.