• #1827
A couple of other forums i'm on held a kind of competition, people could submit css/headers and potentially have it implemented as an optional skin..
• #1828
ps: Anti aliasing is inconsistently treated between browsers/OS's. I would never assume it to render similarly between any two machines..
• #1829
Substitute spoon with text and you have an insight into my current state of mind :(
• #1830
The new style is pretty bad... I assumed it was a bug/mistake? The pre-school text and over-generous spacing is staying?
As the default, yes.
Interesting, I would have thought this true when there wasn't system wide anti-aliasing, but now there is on most computers, I would think serif was king again.
Anyway, proven wrong. Sorry for any inconvenience.
You're right on print... there's so much empirical evidence on that it's not even up for debate.
Can there be options like gmail? Cosy, compact etc?
Actually, now that I've obliterated all hard-coded font sizes... yes.
It shouldn't be too hard for me to add some preference switch somewhere to affect the font size.
I imagine it would be:
100%Does anyone want the text larger?
• #1831
No, no... NO!
• #1832
I don't mind it - especially bearing mobile in mind - but it *could *lose a few % on the desktop. Not facebook small but google small is a nice compromise.
• #1833
Can we have some sort of visual thread divider please? Asking our eyes to scan endless lists is going to lead to eye fatigue and headaches.
A font size option sounds perfect, cheers.
• #1834
How insanely big is your screen?
Will work on the font-size selector.
• #1835
Can we have some sort of visual thread divider please? Asking our eyes to scan endless lists is going to lead to eye fatigue and headaches.
A font size option sounds perfect, cheers.
Agree with this :)
• #1836
Actually. not the case on the web.
Sans-serif constantly comes out top of readability tests on the web.
Perhaps when every device has 300dpi then it would be different, but for now... sans-serif wins on the web.
Serif continues to be king in print.
This. It's a combination of resolution and contrast, the main difference being reading from an emitted light source rather than reflected/ambient-lit.
However, it's more to do with what's a good font and what isn't, and Helvetica (which a fair chunk of users will end up with) is so bad IMO there's a strong case for over-riding it in design with Lucida, hell, even Verdana, rather than leaving it to browser default.
• #1837
How insanely big is your screen?
30"... the new styling requires me to zoom out a couple of times, the default setting on a large screen looks pretty bad.
• #1838
Chrome is defaulting to Arial for me. Not sure if I like it or not.
• #1839
Change it then ...
• #1840
Chrome is defaulting to Arial for me. Not sure if I like it or not.
So is safari. I don't mind Arial, despite being a type snob.
• #1841
Did I fix the text input boxes for you?
I've no idea... Chromium on Linux looks great.
text input box is better Velocio
Good work
You must be shattered
:0) -
• #1842
30"... the new styling requires me to zoom out a couple of times, the default setting on a large screen looks pretty bad.
Honest question: do you always browse maximised on a 30" screen? I'm trying to think of the best way to handle that case - draw in more content to fill the space? -
• #1843
Never maximised, most online content would look awful.... I often have tabbed windows layered. So, watching a TED video, writing this, doing some banner translations, etc. Different windows for different sites/types of content. (LFGSS window would be tabs of all new posts, etc.)
• #1844
You might notice that a font size selector is currently materialising below the nav bar on the right.
It may be 30 minutes before it's wired.
I want to cat some css and min it first.
• #1845
Are you suggesting that the older a document is, the less valid it is?
What a strange view on the world.
Yes, when it is written about a subject that changes so much as to be unrecognisable in the 6 years since the author wrote it.
Look at the tiny screen he has. On that his 100% font size looks tiny. He's also using a Mac which back then had a terrible screen font rendering engine and demanded bigger fonts to cope with the fuzzy letter edges. (and isn't much better now)
On mine, which is by no means a very big screen, but is a lot newer, that 100% is fucking huge. This is because the world has moved on completely since he wrote that crap, and Windows 7 has beautifully crisp sub-pixel rendering and you can set your own DPI to suit. Even at the very smallest this text is twice as big as my normal system text now.
If you want to take anything from that article, how about
Don’t tell us to adjust the font size
We don’t want to change our browser settings every time we visit a website!
You have to consider that if he knew what he was talking about and was really concerned about readability he wouldn't have set his article in a serif font.
The main scientific reason he is wrong is that we do not actually recognise and read words by looking at their letters. We recognise word shapes. We even recognise sentence shapes. Our brains store these shapes for future use and recall them instantly, enabling us to read much much faster than if we had to actually read the letters and construct each word they spelled. By increasing the font size to such a degree you have made it too big to do this easily, essentially reducing the number of words that we can scan in one go.
By making the letters bigger you therefore do not necessarily increase readability. Once the text is big enough to render the letters properly then it's probably big enough to read
• #1846
Wonderful. I love it. Clear and easy to read for my aging eyes.
• #1847
- 1 clive looks much better now.
- 1 clive looks much better now.
• #1848
As Jacob Nielsen says, 10pt for normal people, 12pt for senior citizens
(or 0.8em 1em in these accessible times) -
• #1849
- 1 clive looks much better now.
I am not sure that the change in font has improved my looks, but if you say so. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder after all.
- 1 clive looks much better now.
• #1850
It just looks cleaner.
Although I'm not using a stock font (changed it in my chrome browser)
Can there be options like gmail? Cosy, compact etc?