• #5252
Pipe down or you'll start a pun-off.
• #5253
I bet his boss was fuming when he handed in his notice.
• #5254
Time for silencer these puns will get out of hand.
• #5255
Though turbo honest I quite enjoy them.
• #5256
I'm sure there will be manifold replies
• #5257
Tee-hee (muffled appreciation).
• #5258
This battery of puns has left me tyred, nay, exhausted. Give it a brake. Be Kwik, Fit in a real joke....please!!!
• #5259
Anything in particulate you'd like ?
• #5260
As long as it's clean......
• #5261
Exhaust puns are manifold.
• #5262
I've never understood why modern exhaust pipes are so quiet. It's baffling.
• #5263
The exhaust puns are driving me catalytic with rage. They're obNOXious.
• #5264
It's a good crack.....
• #5265
Can someone Inject some comedy in here before another fuel starts making these tyresome puns?
• #5266
Yeah - breathe some life into it.
• #5267
I'm intercooler things than puns these days.
• #5268
This joke thread is just getting piston.
We need to inject some real jokes to put the spark back, or maybe just pull the plug.
• #5269
Distributor few jokes around then if you can't stand the high tension. Lead by example.
• #5270
Did lol
• #5271
Ok time for a ' clean ' sweep
Did you hear about the cleaner with anger management issues
He always carried a knuckle duster -
• #5272
A mate of mine said "I like Beyoncé"
I said "Well whatever floats your boat"
He said "No, that's buoyancy" -
• #5273
Loved that track....'If I were a buoy.'
• #5274
Well, if you liked it you should have put a (life) ring on it.
• #5275
Went down the sperm clinic and the nurse asked if I wanted to masturbate in the cup, I said "I'm good, but I'm not ready for competitions".
That should appeal to anyone with a lambda sensor humour