• #49327
Anagram, flip the letters round, it's me baby, I'm back!
• #49328
a mini sigh
• #49329
Arum on Waterloo Bridge, hey dude!
He's never on here anymore. I'll tell him you spotted him.
• #49330
Who spotted me yesterday...er...somewhere between Lamb's Conduit and...um...let's just say somewhere near Lamb's Conduit.
Spotted Object's Becca somewhere between Embankment and Lamb's Conduit.
Let's just say I was lost a lot yesterday until I wasn't.
• #49331
a mini sigh
Amish gini
• #49332
Nice to roll from brixton to herne hill with jimbilly. We also got a wave from someone riding fixed with purple hat/jumper combo in herne hill - hello!
• #49333
Guy in LFGSS jersey riding north from saarff London this morning on something orange with a hub gear.
• #49334
Female with short dark hair riding yellow Falcon wearing Silver Ortlieb bag RLJing through the A12/Ruckholt Road junction this evening at 1830. Pretty bad plan considering the recent events at that site. Your ride home was no faster for it.
• #49335
^Dont see many o them females this time o year
• #49336
Guy in LFGSS jersey riding north from saarff London this morning on something orange with a hub gear.
Fat guy, sweating a lot... That would be me... Any where in particular? The bikes a genesis day one.
Oh and Jen, I saw you crossing my path going from the coach and horses road to clapham common this morning. Was going to shout, but your attention appeared to be on a car and you were frowning, so thought it best not to interrupt! I also saw arum a few days ago, but I forget where when!
• #49337
spotted - bikewheels not having a clue what the spotted thread is for.
• #49338
Spotted - automated spambot.
• #49339
Smart little bugger got thru our force field... Where's our super leader cum samarai ninja cyborg?!?
• #49340
SWAT team dispatched I presume.
• #49341
cum samarai ninja cyborg
I'm sure this actually exists as a porno in Japan.
• #49342
rule 34 lads^
• #49343
rule 34?
• #49344
Rule 34 of the Internet: "If it exists there IS porn of it"
• #49345
jonny in Balfe's earlier. nail-biting rowing final
• #49346
Middleofnowhere Matt, in the middle of nowhere on the grand union canal, was good to see you sir, hope the rowing was ace. We turned back shortly after seeing you and went to the pub. Those surfaces are horrible...
• #49347
Hi Ed :-)
• #49348
G - homerton way. would have doubled back for a chat but i had an appointment at a hair boutique to remove the dead cat from my head. good to see you though
• #49349
I spotted Cupcakes by Kennington Oval but he only spotted me when I shouted at him, despite me being dressed as a clown.
• #49350
Got DAS'd by the most spotted man on here, but I'll let him rate my skid :P
- also dressed as a
- also dressed as a
lovely to see Xander, Digger and Our Glorious Leader on my lunchtime stroll.